first job was bumpers off.4 bolts on front and 4 bolts on back,self expainatory as to which ones they are when you have look.
next where the rubber infills under the front arches.
left the fan cowl in place and just removed the lower clip off section which has given me enough clearance.
had a quick look underneath to make sure there was enough play in all the body to chassis connections.front abs sensor wire on passenger side had to be unclipped to give it a bit more length.
forgot about the steering knuckle bolt until afterwards but I just slackened it of and gave it a tap and let it drop down a few mm on the splines and re tightened it.
body mount bolts front to rear
two captive nuts on each side are the very rear and the middle ones.rears came off fine as did the passenger sid but the drivers side middle sheared off:doh
had to perorm a bit of surgery on that one by cutting the body above the mount and drilling it out
knackered the thread doing it so I had to find an m12 x1.75 pitch thread nut which luckily I had got:thumbs
loosened all the nuts and bolts on both sides but didn't take them out yet.
had another quick look underneath to to make sure there was nothing I had missed then had a fag and a brew before I got the jack under the body.