I thought the none starting was caused by the old battery but it that was fine.
The problem was the solanoid on the starter motor sticking.
This might have been caused partly by the ignition switch wearing out - it tends to stick slightly on the "engage" instead of returning to the "run" position.
So I'm after a new barrel for my SWB 2.4 Terrano 2.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for the part number please?
I've tried the Parts Catalogue link but can't find the igniton barrel on it.
I think the cost is going to be around £35 - 40, is that right?
Many thanks,
The problem was the solanoid on the starter motor sticking.
This might have been caused partly by the ignition switch wearing out - it tends to stick slightly on the "engage" instead of returning to the "run" position.
So I'm after a new barrel for my SWB 2.4 Terrano 2.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for the part number please?
I've tried the Parts Catalogue link but can't find the igniton barrel on it.
I think the cost is going to be around £35 - 40, is that right?
Many thanks,