£2 a Litre!!!

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well, i can remember 55p a litre, and I remember when the road block started when it hit 75p litre, we were going on holiday to wales at the time!
at the time i had a ford anglia 997 cc ..... anyone remember those ? :naughty

:bow Nope :bow

The last time I saw one of those was at the pictures. 'Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets'
They used magic to make it fly.
Might not be a bad idea considering the fuel prices. :thumbs
amazing car , could reach 60mph on a good day ( downhill with the wind behind you )
I used to have a 1987 E reg 3 cylinder 1 litre diesel Daihatsu Charade. Top whack 70mph but could do 60mpg. It used to sound like Satans lawnmower.
Brilliant little car, saved my life after a spanish 18 wheeler knocked me off the M1.

Showing my age I can remember Paying 75P Gallon for petrol 1979 when I got my first car you can see why the younger ones with good jobs are heading for OZ I have 2 Nieces living they with husbands, cost of living is catching up with uk but must be a better life style


When I passed my test in 1965 you could buy 4 gallons of Esso Golden Petrol (5 star leaded) for 19 shillings and 8 pence that's about 97 pence for 18.2 litres.

About 5.3 pence per litre !
You mean a 105E Anglia or the 100E model ?

105E had that sloping in rear window !!

i cant really remember because i had two , i had the 997 first , then i upgraded to a 1200 :naughty ...... one of them had a sloping window .... i think it was the 1200 , but im not sure
When I passed my test in 1965 you could buy 4 gallons of Esso Golden Petrol (5 star leaded) for 19 shillings and 8 pence that's about 97 pence for 18.2 litres.

About 5.3 pence per litre !

I can agree with that, in 1966, my Dad put 4 gallons of petrol in and it was a pound.
Something like that sticks in your mind.
It was also the year that England won the world cup....
As we all keep getting reminded about.:doh
Happy days, not, justs filled up tank Not to bad at £6.37 a gallon :eek:

Getting average of 25.6 mpg knocking around, hopefully get a little bit more on run to Cumbria tommorow.
I can agree with that, in 1966, my Dad put 4 gallons of petrol in and it was a pound.
Something like that sticks in your mind.
It was also the year that England won the world cup....
As we all keep getting reminded about.:doh

I remember it particularly well as I had a Saturday & Summer Holiday job on a petrol forecourt ( No self service in those days) most people would leave me the 4 pence change as I would also check oil level and radiator levels. The more mean spirited would ask for a shot of Reddex with each gallon of fuel so no tip !!
Tesco Veg oil 2.95 for 3 litres that's still about 4.48 a gallon plus a few tesco points doubled up to 9p 4.39 a gallon...

I collected my first wast veg oil today only about 10L but thats still a free tenner!!
Tesco Veg oil 2.95 for 3 litres that's still about 4.48 a gallon plus a few tesco points doubled up to 9p 4.39 a gallon...

I collected my first wast veg oil today only about 10L but thats still a free tenner!!

ive had 14 3ltr bottle so far.

need to take them to the recycling center now..
Me and the Fez passed two L200s today on Strata Florida smelling like a mobile chippy LOL. After laughing at the driver of the first one and telling him he wasn't allowed up there as he was driving a Jap motor and apparently only Land Dribblers can do the run, his wife then said she was thinking about swapping the nodding dog for a bottle of ketchup to go with the pong LOL:D
ive had 14 3ltr bottle so far.

need to take them to the recycling center now..

I try to avoid putting them on my debit card or using the club card....cos big brother can see what youve bought.. Put them through the till after your shopping and don't use the club card, give the points to the chap behind let hime have the problem:thumbs:augie
try this lol!

<table style="width:194px;"><tr><td align="center" style="height:194px;background:url(https://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/transparent_album_background.gif) no-repeat left"><a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/WARSTAFFS/20110227Chellecam?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_DZeNRI0aQx4/TWqoPRQLkKE/AAAAAAAAoww/vWCljlri3sw/s160-c/20110227Chellecam.jpg" width="160" height="160" style="margin:1px 0 0 4px;"></a></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px"><a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/WARSTAFFS/20110227Chellecam?feat=embedwebsite" style="color:#4D4D4D;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;">2011-02-27 chellecam</a></td></tr></table>