Only compulsory if no "SNOW TYRES" fitted. ALL are easy to fit with practice, make sure you get the exact size for your tyres, Sorry only experiance is with coaches but they work well. KEV
If terrano s are good enouth for the 4X4 magazine photographer from france they OK FOR ME and ive just got back from my tin tent and there were 3 others T2s on site.
was going a bit fast. checked all joints shocks etc even put in 4 low on full lock STILL NOTHING OBVIOUS. All this happened after getting 2 tyres fitted to the front ??.
Help i was driving over moors(on tarmac)and there was a loud bang that i felt under my feet, stopped, looked but cant see anything out off place i never hit anything either.
just replaced mine bought from a high street car spares outlet for £12 but as mine is a series 2 i had to take the o/s wing off to get at it(its the only way) GOOD LUCK. KEV.