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  1. BongoBerry

    front recovery points

    Hi there Anyone got any links for suitable front recovery points (pigtails or similar) for the front of a Terrano? I know bush ranger do some and so do warn ... any ideas?
  2. BongoBerry

    TJM Patrol Winch Bar - going

    hehe it seems a little crazy I know, but I bought the car in Australia when I lived there for trips into the outback and there is a damned side more space to play. The most challenging aspect of 4x4'ing in the patrol seems to be navigating your way through the narrow way points at the start of...
  3. BongoBerry

    TJM Patrol Winch Bar - going

    Hi Guys I'm going to be taking my TJM T15 Bar and 12000lb winch off my Patrol in the next few weeks. The idea is to make more use of my Terrano and use the winch there. However, if there is interesting the bar (bought in the UK from OEC) and the winch (Winch Solutions here in the UK) (which...
  4. BongoBerry

    Winch Bumper hot news

    indeed thinking about it quite seriously
  5. BongoBerry

    Winch Bumper hot news

    I wonder if my TJM T15 bar from my patrol would fit my Terrano
  6. BongoBerry

    Winch Bumper hot news

    fitted with the "no gaps" option in the wing i.e. a final product
  7. BongoBerry

    Winch Bumper hot news

    is there a finished product to see (mk2) that is?
  8. BongoBerry

    hard lesson to learn

    the wrong kid got expelled :( I was bullied at school, being a taller/bigger/fatter as kid I was always taunted and I was advised never to fight back for being labelled a bully. I admire the kid for standing up for himself, I wish I had !
  9. BongoBerry

    Driving Blackout

    indeed, no question about it. your decision was the right one
  10. BongoBerry

    Auto Hubs

    Just how much damage are you doing while the noise is happening?
  11. BongoBerry

    Cat rattle

    thanks very much, I'd say its the first one in the list !
  12. BongoBerry

    Hubs or diff or transfer box problem

    had the other auto hub cleaned out ... so far so good... need to test ir proper though !
  13. BongoBerry

    Cat rattle

    Hiya guys Just picked up the T2 from the mechanic (who fixed my other auto hub for free) buthe did remind me that the cat is rattling around the exhaust like a mad thing. Now I have a 98 2.4 Petrol SWB T2 - could you please give me some pointers as to cost to replace or work involved? MOT is...
  14. BongoBerry

    Hubs or diff or transfer box problem

    The side that's making the noise ... no I know both were removed by the mechanic and reassembled What would I be looking for... IF 4wd works as expected and the noise goes away on the drivers side?
  15. BongoBerry

    Hubs or diff or transfer box problem

    Hi guys, I've read pretty much every post related to auto and manual hubs and have downloaded all the available PDF's here for reference... but here is the problem.... About 3 weeks ago I had no 4WD (98' Terano II 2.4l petrol) . Turns out as I suspected that one of the hubs was shot. This was...
  16. BongoBerry

    New terrano 2 owner with a few questions!?

    yip welcome and have a great NY with your terano!
  17. BongoBerry

    Nearly lost it

    exactly also use the "snow" button if u have one
  18. BongoBerry

    Nearly lost it

    um , quiite simply do not break at all on ice, use your gears to slow down... otherwise you tend to come a cropper glad you are ok!!!
  19. BongoBerry

    HELP...stripped front hubs

    Just got back from laning at the Salisbuty Plains.... without front hubs engaging.... going to be a similar problem for me!
  20. BongoBerry

    mud terrain or all terrain for snow???

    unfortunately imho they are close to useless in snow, tar they are fine, laning fine i have the proof of the pudding outside attached to my terrano