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  1. dsgrnmcm

    Saw this down the road...

    Only pulled in to look because i was at a bit of a loose end, It reminded me of an omega i once had, like sitting on a sofa, gdgets all over the shop and no gear changing, but the dog fur would stick everywhere (non-leather) and i dont want to get rid of the T2. but it could be a bargin. But...
  2. dsgrnmcm

    Battery cut off

    The next level? you must have the biggest tyres going, highest lift, wobble'st aerial and sleep / tray in th eback? Obviously not as slick as mine but...
  3. dsgrnmcm

    Saw this down the road...

    r reg, JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE £895 which meand £800. petrol, had a quick sit in flashed it up, front tyres are worn, rears are new, quite nice inside. Anyone owned one before?
  4. dsgrnmcm

    Living with the T2

    Well tried to change the rear springs today, got everything off, but the "anti roll bar" the long one that goes from top right to bottom left was blocking the right hand shock so i couldent get it off, and didnt have a big enough socket (15mm) so had to put it all back on again, Bugger. But i...
  5. dsgrnmcm

    Battery cut off

    Cheers lads i'll give it a miss then see if the "beast" stands up to the time alone. Hows thr r3m col, are you going to keep it?
  6. dsgrnmcm

    Battery cut off

    Hi team Just a quick one, on my 1997 tdi it has the NATS 2.0 alarm that most of us have, i'm about to sail for 3 weeks and might have to leave the car unattended. Now while i thing that the car will be ok on its own for 3 week, could i fit an isolator so i could save the battery, does anyone...
  7. dsgrnmcm

    intek cb install

    Cheers t-rex So wack an inline fuse holder for the pos and connect the CB straight to the batt, is that to get cleaner power to the CB? What about earthing?
  8. dsgrnmcm

    intek cb install

    I have an XLR 3 pin power socket, Which one of these will best suit powering my cb radio. 1. Or could i just attach a positive wire from the pos battery to the pos on the CB then run the neg from the CB to an earth point? 2. Or on the fuse pannel (by the steering wheel), are all the slots in...
  9. dsgrnmcm

    Audi A4 Tdi Avant (B5) Shock change

    Hi team The audi is making some dodgey sounds, and feels a bit stiff, on inspection the rear drivers side shock is leaking, so its dead! Just to confirm: 1. I should change both rears? 2. Will i need a spring compressor? 3. Anybody done this before or any tips?
  10. dsgrnmcm

    Living with the T2

    I plugged my hole up (passengers side) using super glue and clear plastic, i cut it in to little disc's and glued it and built it up. and so far it has stopped...
  11. dsgrnmcm

    Living with the T2

    Picked up the jackall today, going to rub it down and paint it later, I have also replaced the taped up dricers wing mirrior and sprayed the passenger on e black so they now match, just trying to find a flat area to wack in the LWB springs and wind up the front torsion bars next!
  12. dsgrnmcm

    Hello All...

    Hi mate north or south devon?
  13. dsgrnmcm

    Hi lift jack all or Jackall?

    Some more... 1. I was going to rub it down and spray "Hammerite" on it, Any other suggestions? 2. Has anybody mounted theres on the outside of there trucks? I would like to wack it on the back door, but it might get nicked or used to damage the car, or i could padlock it?
  14. dsgrnmcm

    August Meet

    I'm going to have to shoot through on this one, Navy bash at the end of the month.
  15. dsgrnmcm

    I went for the factory fit look

    Done a road test yet?
  16. dsgrnmcm

    Hi lift jack all or Jackall?

    here she is! Lick of hammerite and grease!
  17. dsgrnmcm

    Hi lift jack all or Jackall?

    There is a 2nd hand jackall in flea bay or do i hold out for the hi lift? Any views or experiance with these?
  18. dsgrnmcm


    Looks a bit mean / blue peter, the hiclone has a center cross and 4 blades, which seems more areodynamic, where did u get that from?
  19. dsgrnmcm

    Drivers wing mirrior

    Done! I just cut a section out and slid it off and new one on, all working! Will post some pics later! Just need to spray the other one black!