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  1. ste68blue

    glow plugs and poor starting help

    sorry the signature needed amending.....i dont do bio any more.... I bought the glow plugs from the motor would hope they are genuine....but i have to say its much worse than before i fitted them....seriously considering putting the old ones back in to see if its any different...
  2. ste68blue

    glow plugs and poor starting help

    Thanks for the reply I will give that a try at the weekend with the multi meter. Yes i refitted the buzz bar along the top and gave all the connections a rub over with a wire brush before i put it back on. I am running normal (expensive) forecourt diesel.
  3. ste68blue

    Recent Milestone

    Hi guys, just thought i would share this with you.... Last night on my travels to Leicester my truck clocked 190000 and still going strong... sorry for the poor pic
  4. ste68blue

    glow plugs and poor starting help

    Hi guys, a quick question... Last weekend i replaced my glow plugs as my truck started to splutter a bit on cold starting, almost as if it was starting on three cylinders and was very lumpy for a good few seconds. So i bought a set of Lucas glow plugs and promptly fitted them and i have to say...
  5. ste68blue

    Mini Filter again....

  6. ste68blue

    Mini Filter again....

    i guess the crap is pushed back into the tank....where it started from....i would like to know how that stuff got through the fuel filter in the first place...
  7. ste68blue

    Mini Filter again....

    i have no idea where the hairs have come from....although i do have three dogs....:doh No i am running derv, havent run bio for a couple of years....the crap has probably been there since the truck started life...the problem is when you try to clean it you can only clean a small part of...
  8. ste68blue

    Mini Filter again....

    YUCK indeed.... Yes its running better now, but i have also replaced the fuel filter, cleaned the K&N filter and replaced the leak off pipes. I have a run down the M1 to Leicester tomorrow so i will report my findings.
  9. ste68blue

    Mini Filter again....

    Hi guys, the other day i removed and cleaned my mini filter. Today i decided to remove the filter all together, i had to drill it out, once removed look at the state of when you think you have cleaned it....think again...
  10. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    i blasted mine with lots of carb cleaner, inside and out....
  11. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    Hi rik, so are we saying that we dont need the filter....? Should i just dispose of it...?
  12. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    Well a bit of an update on this... Today i removed, cleaned and replaced my mini filter and the stuttering seems to have gone.....RESULT!! I arent totally convinced it was completely clean as the gauze is so fine its difficult to tell, so i am gunna pop in my local Nissan Stealers and see about...
  13. ste68blue

    Engine running rough, stuttering

    I am no expert by any means.....but i would also say it sounds like a fuelling issue... I have had some "stuttery" issues with mine, removed cleaned and replaced the mini filter and all seems fine... Not sure if yours has one....but that little monster causes all kinds of lack of power...
  14. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    wow so he filled up at a garage and had petrol in the diesel.....blimey thats terrible...
  15. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    cheers rik, i will try and pick up a filter in the next day or so and change it and report back any findings
  16. ste68blue


    1998 (s) swb
  17. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    i fill up every week and i havent noticed if it was when i have filled may be worth changing the fuel filter do you think....i changed it about 6 months ago if not sooner... What could be causing the lower boost pressure and how do i improve it without replacing the turbo....?
  18. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    It appears i have a Bosch Maf I have only noticed the drop in boost a couple of days ago.....
  19. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    Thanks for the reply Rik. I have no idea, how do i find out?
  20. ste68blue

    misfire and turbo help

    Hi guys, can anyone help please. I seem to have developed what i would describe as a bit of a misfire, i will try and explain... when i set off with low end revs i get almost like a stutter or misfire, also if i am cruising along at say 30mph and i slightly accelerate the same occurs... Any...