Going to have a go at having the hazard lights turning on when in reverse, it's the one with the switch in the radio, read somewhere here the wire I need to get feed to, just can't find it now.
Anyone know which wires they are?
A mate of ours swears by them, abit on the dear side to buy but he says he can use them all on @ night and the batt lasts alot longer before needing recharge..
A BIG THANKS to everyone who replied, was the botom oil switch, it must have been on all the time as some dickweed had covered the oil light led up.. :doh now need to get a new plastic glass for it as I broke it.. :augie
Have no oil pressure light on the dash, had a lookie on here and looks like the switch dies alot, been looking and found one next to the oil filter housing.
Been to the downloads & it shows one on the other side of the engine, not looked yet as it raining again for a change, anyone know what...
Was going to do that this summer, then looked @ the insurance.. :doh
Not good, even with full no claims & all that was over the £1000 mark & can't use it to go tp work & the like. :nenau
Put our old Mav on ebay today & within a hour was made a offer we couldn't refuse. :sly
Lad came for her tonight and told us he sends 4x4's to Johannesburg in lot's of 40 a month, says they can't get enough of them over there, took ours to Liverpool & then was picking the last one up tonight for...