Done it today £35. only one advisory on anti rollbar. BUT done the badly formed 0 on speedo as a 7 and given me 5000ml less than last year. Second year running this has happened to me. 7 days to get it changed/replaced I think. David.
I need an alloy wheel for my spare.
If you are relativley local and have one for sale PM me please.
16" , 6 nut, with or without centre.
DN17 postcode. David.
Zippy comes up as non-member so dont think he will be able get PM's. The map was good for seeing who's near you when you need sympathy or hand with a job. David.
I'm selling a Bluenext gps dongle on ebay. Starts at Sun. 8pm. £10 inc postage would secure. Once there is a bid on I will let it run even if its only 99p. David.