Don't panic!
We are ok, just daughter(2) and son in law have lost all there classic mini bits,
Total pain inn the ass but will now just take longer, much longer!
No insurance either, as apparently car parts aren't covered in a garage...
Your not the only one.
There are more of us than your ever think.
Subjects like this on a 4x4 site? Just shows how much we think of everyone here. Its not easy to stand up and some things. To family or friends.
I'm glad to say I know what causes mine, even better to know what helps me...
Ok so...
Alko make a removeable handle about £50
Remover spare wheel.
Remover bracket
Now the clever bit rorate bracket 180 deg. And refit. Wheel should be 2" higher.
Also make sure you got the long neck tow ball