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  1. Qplate


    Briggie, What happend to " I don't Need This Sheet " ??? :lol:lol:lol
  2. Qplate

    Scottish members

    Think he ment the Technical Section, Terrano/Maverck, Equipment, Modification,and Toys.....:):):)
  3. Qplate

    Something to offend everyone!

    And don't forget about the Rocker's, :naughty:naughty:naughty
  4. Qplate

    Zippy has a Trooper

    I would of thought that for some one always wanting photos, that you would have given us a good one know your are going to post some in daylight but please use a tripod... only joking Zippy, nice to have another 4x4....
  5. Qplate

    power steering noisey and heavy, intermitently

    Not that then.....:augie
  6. Qplate

    power steering noisey and heavy, intermitently

    Try adjusting the power steering belt up as its probably slipping slightly on lock, that would produce the symptoms you have. That's how mine was,fine on the straight and slight bends but any tight turns it slipped.:thumb2
  7. Qplate

    Exhaust Removal - Terrano

    I did my front pipe 2 weeks ago(1997 TDi) and sprayed WD40 on the day before and had no trouble undoing the nuts, got the one that's behind near the back engine block from under neath using long extensions and a swivel joint. I had to remove the air filter and fixing bracket that holds the 3...
  8. Qplate

    help clutch again

    Thought that would happen, Spudd left him self wide open there. lol :D:D:D
  9. Qplate

    urgent help needed

    Hi Think you will find that this is a natural thing, as the header tank (Rad top up bottle) is above the hight of the radiator and thus if rad cap is released the water will poor out of it. As for the antifreeze or the lake of it? if the water poured out it probably has antifreeze
  10. Qplate

    Maverick won't rev above idle

    Sounds like the ignition barrel/switch to me as i had the same thing on my TDi. It would start no problem but when you pressed the accelerator it did not rev, also noted that the window wipers and radio would not work when this was occurring. Try squirting WD40 into the ignition barrel and...
  11. Qplate

    August Meet

    ADZ, I must give you 20/10 for you effort and enfusisieasum,(To Much Beer) i will try and make the Aug 30th event . Can you tell me the location of the meeting place, and time????: as now i have my Maverick tdi. Thanks:thumb2 Steve...:D:D:D Dover Kent
  12. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    Very nice and six wheeler to:thumbs:thumbs, I got a bit carried away with looking at the rest of the tread:D some nice motors. Well i have to go as works calls so catch you all later. Steve. Just sew your post MAKEITFIT Hi i will try and contact him later on, Thanks steve.
  13. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    Sorry but no pics of the Hustlers, Shame as i had my camera but for some reason did not get many photos as i was to bizzie with Beer at the Jago club tent.
  14. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    Like to see them some time, the Hustler was very panoramic if i remember, I did see one or two up a stoneleigh kit car show this year. Very pope mobile. :D:D:D By the way CLIVVY thanks for the infomation on your truck, It all helps. Steve.
  15. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    You are right:doh I was thinking of the Huskie, like the jago only made from MDF.
  16. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    Yes the Jago better by far (But then i would say that:lol:lol) Hustler was made out of MDf if i recall :o
  17. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    Thanks Guys,:thumb2 I Will PM my post code over to you Zippy, and yes i still have the kit car, its a Jago Geep based on the old MK2 escort. I am still looking, and do agree that the Diesel engine is the way to go,and do like the face lift 96/7 SWB model.:bow Jimmy yes can you send on some...
  18. Qplate

    New Member in SE Kent

    Hi every one,:thumb2 My name is Steve and i live in Dover and am looking to buy a Ford Maverick SWB, 95/97 mod (as this is what £ i can afford) not shaw about petrol or diesel yet. I do know the Diesel engine runs a chain or cog drive for the cam shaft drive, but iam not awear what drives the...