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  1. P


    They can, it's called 2pack, 2k or whatever. The stuff I used was basecoat + clear applied with a spray gun. If you are not that fussed and just want to tart it up a bit go to your loacal autopaint place and ask if they can mix an aerosol for you. If you really couldn't give two hoots go to...
  2. P


    Not bad :thumb2
  3. P


    If you do basecoat like I did, you have to use the laquer. It is part of the process.
  4. P


    Did pretty much the same thing myself. Bought half a litre of basecoat and laquer to go with it. All from a proper paint supplier that colour matched it with his book of swatches (is that the right word?) Colour match is a frickin mile out! (Not that it bothers me :D)
  5. P

    Racism in Britain today.

    Wierd isn't it. That wouldn't bother me too much. :nenau
  6. P

    Racism in Britain today.

    Sack the Royals for being immigrants? The Queen has worked extremely hard all of her life to do her best for this country. Charles has certainly done his best, and his children appear to be heading in the right direction. Pretty typical view of the "throw the immigrants out" brigade. Get rid of...
  7. P

    Racism in Britain today.

    Racism shows an extreme and unpleasant lack of intelligence IMO. There are plenty of things to judge a person on, colour of skin is not one of them.
  8. P

    tax without v5

    The woman in the Post Office looked at me like I was a complete idiot when I filled one in. Just need the green slip.
  9. P

    fully comp not covered

    It has always been that you could drive a car not belonging to you, provided that car was insured by someone else (for them to drive). There are policies now that don't have this in them. Basically you need to check the wording of your policy.
  10. P

    Road Fuel

    Sulphur content is exactly the same as from a petrol station as of the beginning of this year. Red diesel is just derv with a red dye added to it. Used to be able to use fullers earth to remove the dye, I think you have to tell the authorities now if you buy large quantities of fullers earth.
  11. P


    Warming it up in very hot water is the second best tip. Loosening the lid first is the best one.
  12. P

    Sheriff joe is at it again!

    I take it you decided not to read the link.
  13. P

    Sheriff joe is at it again!

    He doesn't get my vote after reading that. I do think prisoners get it too cushy, but I don't think encouraging them to beat each other to death or murdering them is the way to go.
  14. P

    Blower motor polarity

    That would be my guess. On my Mk1 Capri it's that way, one of the wires goes to a resistor to get the slow speed.
  15. P


    That one is only a few months out of date rather than a few years. :D Bring it on, turn them off and stop wasting money we haven't got.
  16. P


    I don't understand why anyone thinks it is a good idea to leave all the lights on all night. The article is from 2008 by the way, we still haven't been plunged into darkness.
  17. P

    nfu insurance

    I do know someone who had their claim reduced because they hadn't declared a "No fear" sticker on their back window. It was amongst other things like wrong alloys etc, but definitely in the letter.
  18. P

    Yippy.............Im Staying!

    Oh bollocks.:rolleyes:
  19. P

    nfu insurance

    Well NFU for me every time. I think they are brill. It isn't just the price, which they are certainly very competative on, but it is the ease of dealing with them. They are so easy to talk to and don't ask dumbass questions. Having said that, whatever company you mention someone will tell you of...
  20. P

    May have to say GOOD BYE

    I have had a couple since the database was up and running. I'm sure they did it just to piss me off. Even more pissed off because they have closed all the police stations within a 10 mile radius. One of them was "Pulled for looking like a gypsy" :nenau I was only going to the post office.