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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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    Smelly aircon...

    Thats the one i just used and it worked well. In fact so well i just bought my wife one. I kow i buy her only the best presents.
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    cruise control.

    Yes i have a Cruise Control in Mine. is a place where you can get them they will even fit.
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    road tax

    All this is taken straight from the speech. So to me it says only new cars from 2009 Firstly, from April 2009, I am proposing a major reform to Vehicle Excise Duty to encourage manufacturers to produce cleaner cars and by introducing new bands, there will be an incentive to encourage drivers to...
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    nissan terrano cd console

    Mine has a single in Dash. Well did have till i swapped it for a After fit Sat nav cd radio etc etc.
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    nissan terrano cd console

    My 2005 has no changer either.
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    So what do you do?

    Computer Consultant. Designing and selling computer systems also repairing them.
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    third time lucky for battery for t2

    I had an issue trying to get a new battery for my T2. I wanted a heavy duty one but could not get one to fit. I think the one i have on is 70amph. Runs lovelly.
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    Hello All

    Hi welcome fairly new myself
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    T2 CD Player/Stereo removal? Aargh!

    Stearing wheel Remote for stereo I am thinking of replacing the normal radio in my 2005 Terrano but i dont want to loose the Stearing wheel remote control for it. Has anyone found a adapter cable or a way of using it with Aftermarket radios. On my old C5 i just bought a adapter for my Kenwood...