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  1. R

    Help with rotton rear seat belt mounts needed

    Fellas Checked my rear seat belt mountings after reading about possibility of rot on the forum. They are totally gone and its m.o.t. is due now. Its going into garage on Monday to get em welded up and have a new caliper fitted to passengers side cos I could not for the life of me get the...
  2. R


    Halfords (sic) used to do a matching/mixing service..if you have the code they will mix the exact colour for you...used it myself a couple of times and was very happy with result. Not sure if they still offer this service but you could always ring your local branch and ask :)
  3. R

    my truck so far

    Very nice mate :)
  4. R

    brake and servo broblems

    For some time now I was aware that my Maverick was pulling to the left...wasn't too bad to begin with but has been getting steadily worse. Now aware that braking increased the 'pull' considerably...With m.o.t imminent I thought I had better get things sorted out. As soon as I took the wheel off...
  5. R

    Replacing rear ARB drop links !!!

    Thanks Terra m8... I can see that putting it up on axle stands would give much better access...but boy do I hate getting under any suspended vehicle...I always always use axle stands but even with them I hate getting underneath..I dont mind working at the side and stretching in when I have...
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    Replacing rear ARB drop links !!!

    Thanks fellas....just what I wanted to thats the second time I've said that on the forum this week...I love good news :)
  7. R

    Replacing rear ARB drop links !!!

    Just need some reassurance before I replace the rear ARB drop links which look completely goosed to me and m.o.t. is due now. Is it just a case of undoing the nuts (provided that they aren't rusted on solid) or grinding them off (if they are rusted on solid) ? Do I need to jack the rear end up...
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    Roof Rails on SWB Maverick

    Many thanks fellas.....:) Just what I wanted to hear..:)
  9. R

    Roof Rails on SWB Maverick

    Can anyone shed light on this for me please. I have the chance of buying a set of roof rails for a SWB. I have seen a photo of the rails fitted to an earlier pre face lift SWB ...thing is I checked my vehicle and there is no apparent way to fit rails to my roof...take it they were a factory...
  10. R

    Engine Removal Procedure

    There ya go...I should have used the word 'separated' One can 'split' but does this mean one has 'seperated'..hmmm must ask an old girlfriend that question :)
  11. R

    Oil Leak at on Rear Brake Hub

    Looking at the photo again the freshest leaking oil does seem to be under the abs sensor...I was wondering how it passed an m.o.t . Cleaning up all the gunge on the back of the drum and around the sensor might shed more light on the source of the leak.
  12. R

    Oil Leak at on Rear Brake Hub

    Its almost certainly the half shaft oil could pay some garage a lot of spondoolicks to do it for you or have a go at changing the seal yourself...its not a particularly hard job to do need to strip down the brake components before pulling out the shaft...I made a simple...
  13. R

    Engine Removal Procedure

    According to the manual the transmission has to be split from engine before removing the latter from the vehicle. Check it out here
  14. R

    transfer oil change

    Manual states the front diff takes 1.3 litres of standard API GL-5 rear diff takes 2.8 litres of LSD gear oil API GL-5 AND SAE 80W-90
  15. R

    Slooooooow driver's side window motor

    Thanks fellas....its out with the 'Pledge' then....if your old enough to remember that :smile:
  16. R

    Slooooooow driver's side window motor

    Done a search to see if I could find a solution to my lazy window motor...but didn't really come up with a definitive answer.... The window is really sloooow to go down.....bit better when going up.. Just recently started doing this....could it be because its particularly cold at the...
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    New Home for Rust

    Thanks for the tip dude :smile:
  18. R

    Creeky Clutch

    Something else to check is the top mounting bolt of the pedal arm...if there is any undue sideways movement of the pedal arm the nut may be loose or as in my case completely missing...pedal was really creaky.....fitted a new bolt and creak aint as bad...still there a little but much better than...
  19. R

    Cooking Oil

    SVO = Straight Vegetable Oil WVO = Waste Vegetable Oil