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  1. T

    Dead Maverick ......

    Oh no not again ...... Well here I am one year and 12 days on from this last post and my lovely Maverick did it again yesterday.:( Fortunately I was on the lane to home after a shopping trip so with the help of a very kind french neighbour pushing from behind I managed to get home - and with...
  2. T

    Dead Maverick ......

    Rick I did as you suggested and the problem seemed to come down to the rear window. It stopped working a month ago, it would open but not close, so manual closure was required if it was inadvertently opened. I have disconnected it completely now so will see today if the problem has been...
  3. T

    Dead Maverick ......

    Rick Went to the shop again this morning, did 5 kms and the 'computer' fuse popped. I have had my Maverick for 11 years with very few problems. The 'computer' fuse had a 10amp fuse originally so I changed it for another 10amp. It popped almost immediately so I changed it for a 15 amp which again...
  4. T

    Dead Maverick ......

    You were quite right Rick, thank you so much for your knowledge. Have a good weekend - what is left of it. Thanks again, Paul
  5. T

    Dead Maverick ......

    Thanks for that Rick, I will investigate tomorrow.
  6. T

    Dead Maverick ......

    Hello again, I went shopping this morning and all was well with the Maverick. Got into her to come home, pulled out of the parking space and she just chugged to a stop. Tried to start her but she wouldn't start. The engine turns over but won't start. I noticed there are no lights on the dash and...
  7. T

    Door locks problems

    Hi Rick The key centrally locks the car ok so it must be the fob which is failing. I will investigate the fob condition. Thank you - but I may be back.
  8. T

    Door locks problems

    Hmm... I wonder My remote access stopped working 3 months ago. I haven't got a clue how to try to sort it. Would the advice given above also apply to my problem? Thanks for any suggestions Paul
  9. T

    Auto electrician

    Thank you for your suggestion, it has a towbar and one of the terminals in the socket was broken so to eliminated that possible cause I purchased and fitted a new one but the problem is not solved. :confused: It doesn't seem to have any non-standard wiring. Don't know about the fuse because the...
  10. T

    Auto electrician

    Brake lights, had a problem before which turned out to be the brake light switch which I replaced. All well until one day smoke issued from the loom, including the fuse, which stopped when I removed the melting 10A fuse. They haven't worked since :( Both wires from the back of the fuse and the...
  11. T

    Auto electrician

    Long shot I know but does anyone know of an auto electrician in the Limousin region of France? :o
  12. T

    No brake lights !!!

    Thanks Rick, I may well be in touch ..........:bow
  13. T

    No brake lights !!!

    Thanks jims-terrano. Cncfabs don't have any items for sale at present so I have purchased one from another seller. I just hope they do rapid delivery :)
  14. T

    No brake lights !!!

    Hi all, I have a problem with my 97 Maverick brake lights. Can anyone advise where I can order a new brake light switch online. I live in France and it is impossible to source parts here. Thank you Paul
  15. T

    Paid Up Again

    I have also just renewed my subscription. There is no better place to find expert advice. Sincere thanks to you all :thumbs