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  1. perelaar

    "Death of the Diesel"

    Mind you, overhere in Belgium it is near on impossible to keep an older diesel powered vehicle. Reason why I sold the T2, even though I'm sure it could have gone one for at least 5 or 6 years. Enormous road taxes (for my T2, >800€/year), ban on driving in city centers if you don't have a Euro5...
  2. perelaar

    Great News on the job front

    Well done, congratulations :)
  3. perelaar

    Top Ball Joint Replacement

    Don't bother with saving the bolts, they will most likely be corroded anyway. Kit I ordered for my T2 last year had the bolts included, high tensile indeed. I used a ball joint splitter, everything came apart without issue.
  4. perelaar

    7 months 3 weeks 2 Days -Back in our Home!

    Good news :) You don't have a motion sensor on the security light?
  5. perelaar

    A reluctant sayonara

    Sad to see you go, but I fully understand - just sold my T2 a few weeks ago for much the same reasons. Plus the monstrous tax on old diesel vehicles here in Belgium...
  6. perelaar

    Good jacking point?

    Any specific reason to jack it there? Why not jack up under the front to back chassis beam, one side at a time?
  7. perelaar

    boot door can't be opened anymore

    So, last update: door is fixed! I removed the cable going to the inside door handle (which isn't used at all anyway), bent the top lever upwards a little bit, and twisted the blue plastic thing on top of the lever in such a way that the highest part is now making contact with the linkage from...
  8. perelaar

    boot door can't be opened anymore

    As far as I could make out, the latch inside the lock does not seem to turn. I can get it to turn if I help it along with a screwdriver, but it does not rotate freely. Will try and get door open again tomorrow, remove lock again, remove solenoid, and flush the lock with degreaser or penetrating...
  9. perelaar

    boot door can't be opened anymore

    2nd update: door blocked again. Tried the lock outside the door, all OK. Installed again: it locks (with difficulty) but does not open again. Maybe with a lot of fiddling like before, but don't have the patience for that tonight anymore. Could the steel U-bracket the door "locks" on have moved?
  10. perelaar

    boot door can't be opened anymore

    Update, with good news! Door is open :) I removed the door handle, removed the spare wheel to reduce load on the door, and with a helper lifting and wiggling the door by the spare wheel bracket I used the key in the driver door key hole. After a few attempts the back door opened :thumbs Now...
  11. perelaar

    boot door can't be opened anymore

    Pushing door from outside did not work, lifting door (by spare wheel) didn't work either. Solenoid confirmed working, I can hear it and see the little vertical plastic locking indicator going up and down. Tried banging the door from the inside while locking/unlocking, no luck. I'm now going...
  12. perelaar

    boot door can't be opened anymore

    Hello all the past weeks I noticed it got increasingly difficult to open the boot door on my swb T2. Never tried to fix it, as it will be sold in the coming weeks. Now, today I could not get the door open anymore, from outside or from inside. Tried locking and unlocking, the solenoid in the...
  13. perelaar

    I Think I’m Getting Soft

    Fully agree with you, Jim. That will not stop me from selling my T2 in the near future though - runs OK, and with some tlc and money spent on it I'm sure it will run another few years. But legislation, taxes and diesel prices here in Belgium make it all but impossible to keep it on the road...
  14. perelaar

    Wet drivers footwell

    Had a (small) leak from the grommet behind the wiper assembly. Fixed after reinstalling the wiper assembly covers with proper sealant...
  15. perelaar

    To give: various T2 small parts

    It is LHD, and it is green - wherever the rust doesn't show through :)