Hope they are a better run group than Yorkshire & Lincolnshire 4x4 response who I left out of sheer frustration of how badly the management treated the lowly volunteers. Maybe things have changed since then...
I'll be honest, needing to pay a subscription for the majority of content will put most people off, especially given the low footfall of the forum.
I think the subscription needs to be shelved until the forum attracts more members, then maybe reinstated once there is enough information to...
Well a moment ago you were surmising that no exposure to viruses and the like might make people more susceptible to this virus. By that token the HCP's that have been exposed to it must have been super-full of it and therefore ultra resistant? I fail to see the relevance to your personal...
Sure, the dozens of healthcare professionals that have died as a result of covid-19 had never encountered a virus or bacteria throughout their entire careers until this one.
What?!? Intubation is not a treatment for the virus, nor anything else. It secures an airway and allows for mechanical ventilation. Since when was intubation a 'treatment' for pneumonia? What are you talking about?
SOME people are still mingling, more aren't. Yes it would be vastly more effective if everyone played the game but there are always going to be idiots that cause problems for other people.
You might think it's a load of balls, that's your opinion. My opinion is that your opinion is balls.