Gremlin! Seek & eliminate!

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2009
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After a number of threads, my Maverick is still not starting after trying to eliminate all the obvious sources of problems!

1 - Battery checked. All ok & fully charged
2 - Earth lead(s) cleaned
3 - Power lead replaced from Battery to Starter
4 - Starter Motor replaced
5 - Ignition switch replaced

Even the garage cannot help any further, exhausted all their knowledge!!

Can anyone on this site please help?, someone must have the answer!

Before any adverse comments, after it does start, it is the smoothest engine & gear-box you could wish for.

If I had hair I would tear it out! - Paul
Hi Paul,

im sorry, ive not seen your previous threads so dont want to go over old ground, but here goes!

when you try to start, as in turn the key, what happens?

have you replaced the ignition switch (not the barrel, the switch)?

Glow plugs/relay?

ill have a search of previous threads to see what you have had done so no expert but i might spot something that may help!
oops, sorry, just re read, you HAVE done the ignition switch, still, id like to know what happens when you do turn that key, you know, in what way it doesnt start...or in what way it struggles to start?

i suppose fuel pumps been checked as thats obvious, glow plugs/relays would be my next guess..
I am not a auto electrician/mechanic, so bear with me!! On turning the key, very slowly or otherwise, there a couple of noticeable 'clicks' but no turnover. Then you can turn it again and it starts as if there was never a problem! Out of my depth with the fuel pump check and glow plugs/relays - but willing to have a go if you can advise?
Appreciate your time in trying to help - Paul
it could be the fuel shut off valve, maybe a intermittent fault, just a thought, i had it on a sierra years ago. :nenau
How do you get on the member's map and how can I view it? - Paul (NE37 2EY)
I am not a auto electrician/mechanic, so bear with me!! On turning the key, very slowly or otherwise, there a couple of noticeable 'clicks' but no turnover. Then you can turn it again and it starts as if there was never a problem! Out of my depth with the fuel pump check and glow plugs/relays - but willing to have a go if you can advise?
Appreciate your time in trying to help - Paul

Hello ChefClay
This sounds like a problem I had earlier this year. It turned out to be a broken plastic "lug" in the end of the ignition switch barrel.I used a auto lock company to sort it. But it cost me £60. When I saw the part and the minimum work required it seemed like money I could have saved if I had known what the problem was to begin with!
But when you say it works now and then sounds just like the problem I had.
Good Luck
Hi, if the engine spins over ok and sounds like it labours a little on the compressions then the next thing to do is crack of an injector pipe at the injector and watch for spurts or drips of fuel as you crank it, no fuel = pump problems or air locks or no fuel to pump, Rick
I am not a auto electrician/mechanic, so bear with me!! On turning the key, very slowly or otherwise, there a couple of noticeable 'clicks' but no turnover. Then you can turn it again and it starts as if there was never a problem! Out of my depth with the fuel pump check and glow plugs/relays - but willing to have a go if you can advise?
Appreciate your time in trying to help - Paul

have you replace the main live cable from battery to starter, and the earth . there is a way of testing this using jump leads to the starter .... but you need to speak to toolbox he knows what to do ...or ill look it up tomorrow
Paul, I did have this very issue myself last year (along with everything else) and like yuo, I fitted a NEW starter, positive lead to starter, earth from engine to chassis wire and ignition switch to try resolve the starting issue. the only thing that fixed it for me, was a new starter and ignition switch-now, when you had yours done, did they replace the whole barrel, or just the switch at the back of the barrel?

when ignition is on, is the glow plug light lit? it should go out after about 5 seconds to indicate its ready to start, can you check that? its bottom right of the dash...
I am not a auto electrician/mechanic, so bear with me!! On turning the key, very slowly or otherwise, there a couple of noticeable 'clicks' but no turnover. Then you can turn it again and it starts as if there was never a problem! Out of my depth with the fuel pump check and glow plugs/relays - but willing to have a go if you can advise?
Appreciate your time in trying to help - Paul

id say the clicks are the relays (such as the glow plug relay) and starter motor. when you say you turn it slow, do you click it past ign etc to start, then turn slow, or the whoel turn of the key is slow? let me explain, when i had this issue, i could turn it right through to start, then turn it slower, as if i was trying to ensure a connection with the part insdie, see? then it would start, if i just turn it right through, but slow, it wouldnt, always had to be on the last few movements of the key-that was because the ignition switch was burnt out inside, so wasnt making a good connection.

personally, if it runs good when it does start, it cant be fuel pump. i think its so important you get those codes...shame you are not near to me.
Hi, I had same problem and it was the ignition switch.When you say you have changed it, was it new or second hand.
I have similar problem on my Mazda pick-up. A lot of the time when I turn the key there is no firing of the engine. If I turn it a second or third time it fires fine and starts no problem. The glow plugs lights etc. always light up etc. and I always get the usual clicking of the glow plug relays but it's on full turn that it sometimes works sometimes doesn't. I seems almost certainly the ignition barrel in my case.
HI. No, its easy 30 min job. 4 screws to get steering column plastic cover off, then one cross head screw holds the switch onto the barrel, the screws a bit awkward as it faces almost towards you, so to undo unwind it towards the dash. I did it with a 1/4 drive ratchet and a screwdriver bit. new nissan part 37 pounds
yes, its dead easy to do, just atough awkward hence why MIckMonk used a ratched with drive bit in it, thats what i did-space is tight but you hardly have to un screw the screws to get it free-dont loose them!