ok so how much

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ok back to topic.....

any one think 400KG in the back end of a T2 lwb is over doing it??

all seats tiped forwards, back bench removed...

thats the weight of about four average people spread between the back door and the rear of the front seats Zippy. shouldn't be a problem I'd have thought....:thumb2

I'd be a bit surprised if the weight of six average people in the back end of a Disco didn't cause the suspension to sink noticeably though. Thats if the rusted-out floor didn't fall through first LMAO!
thats the weight of about four average people spread between the back door and the rear of the front seats Zippy. shouldn't be a problem I'd have thought....:thumb2

I'd be a bit surprised if the weight of six average people in the back end of a Disco didn't cause the suspension to sink noticeably though. Thats if the rusted-out floor didn't fall through first LMAO!

that was with the rear seats folded down and loaded from the front , but then shes female :augie , the disco iis in very good condition considering its age ( 17 yr old ) its a 200 series tdi auto 3 door , if you zoom into my addy on the members map you will see it parked outside our house , its called susie
gross tow is 2800kg

max nose weight subject to make of bar 140kg

load inside i would say atleast half a ton as based
on wd21 a half tonne pickup but 695 was it sounds
better still. would you not be better with a trailer
to save car and possibly your back lifting whatever
in and out.
i cant use a trailer cause of where ive got to drop the stuff off. its not posable to turn a car and trailer around in my dads drive and get around the back of the house.
wot you need Mr Zip is a front towbar then you can PUSH the loaded trailer up the drive, unload then unhitch turn the car hitch up and off you go! If you lived near me I would loan you one. Only ten minuets to fit the bracket and the one minuet fit or remove the ball.

regards bri
Check your bump stops are still in place, they are known to fall off and they are part of the suspension when loaded, mine were missing when i bought the terrano and it was when I hooked up my caravan and loaded the bikes found I had a very saggy back end. New one are £88 each or so I am told, got mine used off ebay for £25.... bri