As it says, I've seen a pretty good deal with one and am wanting to know what they are like to live with. Wife says the following comments.
You'll not be able to use a small keypad?
You'll not be able to see a small display?
In all fairness she's got some valid points, I would hate to get one and be stuck with it for 18 months.
Jim T
I've got the E71 and its the mutts bits.
The keyboard is a beauty to use.If my xl hands and chunky digits can text on it anyone can. I had a 6300 before (still have one from work) and I found them awful to text with so when I got the E71 I only had 100 texts on my plan, however its that easy to use for texts and emails I easily went over the 100 most months and had to up my plan to save money..........if a phone can get me texting and using it persuade me to pay out more thats got to be a decent recommendation

I can see the hi res (or whatever it is known as) no prob but specs are helpful for web browsing..........but thats my age.
My contract is up soon and I will almost defo be going for the E72, cant see any reason for not.
My missus has one of the highly rated windows phones (HTC HD2) and I find the E71 easier to use overall, I find the iphone an overpriced under performing toy (balanced on cost), the concept of the google phone is great but not the most sophisticated system but hey thats only one persons opinions and added to everyone elses thats what makes the world go round.
I know theyve got E63s & E71s in the shops now (we were in 3 and carphone warehouse in Durham today) I'd go play

If you've got any specific questions about it fire away, I'm not the most sympathetic owner and I have farted around forcing it to run various progs........................and its survived

By the by, I'm no phone buff and I'm not sure where the E63 sits, is it a predecessor to the E71 just as the E71 is now to the E72

or is it a parallel range like a 6 and a 7 series for different tastes

I know mine was labelled as a "business phone" and the E63 is desc by Nokia as a multimedia phone
Confused, I bloody am