3.0 T2 oil warning light

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Jan 3, 2010
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Just had the pleasure of a 40 mile trip home on the back of an RAC recovery truck.

Went to see friends today in Nuneaton, stopped just before we got there for a coffee, when we restarted oil light was on. Crawled to their house and let it cool. Checked oil level (ok) and there's some oil being sprayed onto the timing chain so there's at least some oil pressure. No particularly unpleasant noises on tickover. Cars only got 51k on clock if previous MOTs are to be believed.

Whilst looking for errant wires etc. etc. noticed lead to sensor on LHS of block was not only disconnected from the sender but it was cable tied out of the way about 6" forward. Cut the cable tie and reconnected the sensor but no difference. Anybody ever heard of this 'fix' being done before? I believe there's another oil pressure switch somewhere on the engine, could it be that this one was bypassed at some point in the past as a get-you-home and never tidied up?

Suspect I'll be spending tomorrow under said engine looking for any other signs of bodgery before replacing said sender and praying very hard to all available small gods (and a few of the bigger ones) that it's not a sign of more serious woes.

Just wanted to shout, thanks very much for listening.

Over and out

tony, i think i would fit a oil pressure gauge and see what pressure you have, also what did the recovery guy think the problem was? :doh:eek:
tony, i think i would fit a oil pressure gauge and see what pressure you have, also what did the recovery guy think the problem was? :doh:eek:

RAC guy says they don't measure oil pressure any more 'cos they've made too many false predictions about it just being a sensor and then the engine giving up 10 miles down the road.

So the guy in the van came out after 2 hours and then said "yep, oil lights on, need a recovery truck"

Quite frustrating really
Hi Toons

I asked for information about the 3ltr engine under
'Commonn faults on 3Ltr T2 - advice please?'
I had previously heard that it was common for the oil pressure sensor to stick and give a false warning, which was confirmed in the responses. I'll be interested in what you eventually find is the fault as I'm looking for a 3ltr T2.

Rgds CL
Well then.......

Took connector off, found that there was no light whatsoever.

Gave liberal squirt of WD40 and tapped the body of the switch (finger tap, not hammer tap) and reconnected. All works fine. Hoorah!. Light comes on, light goes off etc etc so it's changing state and appears to be functioning normally.

Can only assume that change from cold and wet saturday night to dry and mild Sunday morning un-stuck the switch. Either way, all appears to be okay now.

It's booked in for a main dealer service in couple weeks so I'll get them to change switch and check pressures anyway.

Land Rover finally went today, just hope I've made the right decision.

Hi, I've had the mither of the warning light remaining on too.
Did the checks to confirm to myself that oil was present and flowing but you still worry, don't you.
Decided to buy an oil pressure gauge and T adaptor. Pressure read correctly so okay there. Tubing I bought specifically for oil pressure gauge was nylon. As cars generally produce a lot less oil pressure than the 3.0Di this is probably why the tube burst a hole and spewed out at least 4 litres of my oil before I could pull over into a conveniently close garage. Cost me over £40 for 2 gallons of their cheapest suitable oil which had mainly disappeared by the time I got home! Thus, if you fit a gauge make sure you use metal pipe for the 120psi + generated.
Whilst removing said piece of crap I had a good mess with the oil sender from rear lower right of engine, accessed with osf wheel removed. Anyway, I stuck a nail in the vice and pushed the sender down on it. It freed up, I could feel it moving and it's worked perfectly ever since, must be nearly 12 months now.
Oil pressure light illuminates for a couple of seconds on startup while pressure builds, then goes out. Hooray!
Main dealer wanted about £25 per sender and previous owner told me he'd had it in several times to garage with no solution.
Hope this works for you too.
hmmm tempted to try that. just wories me about taking it out. If it sheers or something then i am stuffed.

Also when you refit it do you need anything to seal it? like when plumbing you use PTFE tape.
Hello everyone with 3.0.ltr oil warning light issues.
Are we talking oil pressure or oil level lights? My "oil can looking/shaped " light occasionaly comes on but then decides to just operate normally for a week or so before coming on again! Have given up worrying for now but will have the vehicle serviced at a Nissan Garage soon and ask their opinion. Meanwhile I would appreciate hearing any further news on this seemingly common issue.
(sorry Captain Limey,forgot to mention this one when P.M.'ing you regarding 3.0 ltr faults)
Oil light

Had mine going on and off for the past twelve months. Have got a replacement but cant seem to locate where they are. Anyone got any tips/pics on how to replace them.

