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Hi all

Once again thanks for the interest.

Hi Ernie it was at Becontree heath bus garage.

ps the police did not seem surprised they may already have an idea who is behind all this locally, as the boys have been invited to the police station for a computer fit session

regards paulp

Lets hope it doesn't end in a caution or community service....I'd give 'em community service.....
I am afraid that the blame for all these youngsters troubles lies with the parents who dont demand respect for others from their children, but then they probably dont have respect themselves. regards bri

I agree to a certain extent
But who is to blame for the attitude of the parents? Their parents maybe?
No sorry it is not that easy to place the blame

I believe the blame lies with all of us
As a society we are very quick to blame everything else except for ourselves
Maybe if we stop blaming others and take ownership of the problems things can change

While we continue as a society to blame the parents, the teachers, the police, the government, the system it will only get worse and harder to do anything about it.

Where will it end?
We are lucy in this country the streets on the whole are still relitivly safe compaired to othrs but it is getting worse.

It needs to get better again
doing what, servicing the cats eyes in the middle of the M25 during rush hour on a dark evening wearing dark clothing and a reflective sign saying "please drive into this" ?

Why bother with the sign? Waste of tax payers £

We could do with some snow ploughs round here. Give me a cople to strap to the front of the troll. I mean most of these yobs are so cool and hard they should make good snow pushers :D
I do think theres been too many sections of the community copping out, mainly because the bloody government has emasculated them - if you're a teacher, a bobby or anyone else in authority of some sort, then you get your arse burned if you so much as say boo at the little darlings....

When we were kids (god here he goes....:doh) we would get a bloody good welting from the teachers - manys the time I've gone home with my arse stinging from a cane or slipper, but we knew the meaning of respect and right and wrong. OK so I like a bit of S&M now and then, but other than that its done me no harm! :naughty

But seriously, what with that AND parents that don't give a flying feck about what their kids are up to, or go and bawl the schoolteacher out when their little darlings get ticked off, we're on a hiding to nothing if you ask me, and then when they get nicked they get some pathetic sentence that bears no relation to the crime or the effect on the victims.

I sometimes wonder how this country keeps functioning and why anybody decent wants to live in a city or large town these days.

I say bring back the birch, national service, hanging, licorish imps, Aztec bars and those double tins that had rice in one end and curry in the other....

Wheres my drink gone...................????????????:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Mmmm I could just go one of them Fray Bentos steak pies in a tin....:D