Bmw x6

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hi looks like a rover sd1 on steroids _________________________________________
52 reg terrano van
hello only me.. just see top gear..

so whos going to buy an X6 then??

What was the review like? Did they take it offroad?

I have always liked the look of the X5 but it is really just a big car.
What was the review like? Did they take it offroad?

It got slated.

It sort of went off road, a smooth grassy incline stuck :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol whilst the chase car range rover bimbled past it. Worse still when he applied the handbrake to hold it on the incline back wheels locked no problem but it slid back down the hill with thte front ones cheerfully turning. Absolutely hilarious.

The X5 is another one they hammered. The conclusion was its more expensive,slower, less economical and less roomy than a 5 series estate with higher spec , and still cant go off road :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

It is the type of usless chelsea tractor that gives a true 4X4 a bad name.

What use would it (the X6) be in our current weather, it could not even climb a slight grassy bank, you know the type they are on most caravan sites.

Not that a X6 would be seen on a caraven site, let alone tow a trailer of any sorts.

All it says as a statement is that I own this car and I am a rich tosser with more money than sense

a friend of my neighbour bought a x6 diesel for his missus, she had it 6 weeks, and then took it back and swapped it for a new convertable bmw, she reckoned the x6 was the worst car she has ever driven, admittedly they have money, and they did lose on the trade over, how much i dont know.:doh
so they look nice but are really shit for what they are supposed to do (well apart from posing on the school run)!
Ha the X6 pointless yes... but has anyone seen the X1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That really takes the biscuit... :jesterbg
so they look nice but are really shit for what they are supposed to do (well apart from posing on the school run)!

don't know about looking nice i like a 4x4 to look like a 4x4 gimme a box on wheels that works how it should:thumbs
reckon the x5 is ok as cross overs go.
nice drive, but lack of low box and usual silly
road tyres kills it off road.

think word on show was x6 is bit like these
new sky scrappers, out of touch for today and
suitable for bankers who are also out of touch.

designed before recession for another market.

personally like x5 as road car, in 4.8 v8 pretty
hot. would like to reverse engineer one and give
it lo box, lift and decent mudders just for a laugh.

still think they look like maestro on steriods.
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