Fat brakes

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Apr 27, 2008
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I saw someone on here had fitted grooved discs on their Mav/T2:augie
Anyone know who it was and where can I get some?
Is there a big difference running with harder pads?
What options are available to beef up the rear brakes?
I think that covers it:cool:
Basically with the engine mods on the way I want to stop quicker too:thumbs
well ive only had fronts since strata..... so just some brakes will do me for now

if the diff is the same as the petrol spare i have ill just change the axle for now. and clean my one up and look into any possible mods then

one question i have do i need a load sensor. whats that all about. i have a good one spare but do i need to fit it
Drill & groved disc's will run cooler under heavy braking & will reduce the chance of the disc's warping while the groves will cut off any glazing on the pads, but I would say harder compond brakes pads would be a no no:augie Off road you will run a higher chance of getting muck stuck in the groves/holes which could lead to the disc's becoming scored:dohbut the disc's will dry alot quicker after going through fords etc
well ive only had fronts since strata..... so just some brakes will do me for now

if the diff is the same as the petrol spare i have ill just change the axle for now. and clean my one up and look into any possible mods then

one question i have do i need a load sensor. whats that all about. i have a good one spare but do i need to fit it

the load sensor will even the braking out when the motor is under load so i would even think of messing with it
Hi Sweety,no really:D
Do you know where I can get some or do I need to get std. ones machined?
Std pads it is then:thumbs
Is there any possibility of other Nissans having bigger discs/drums that could be fitted?
EBC make a set of pads for the terrano IIRC. I have made the mistake of fitting harder compound brake pads in the past & found under heavy braking I ended up with bent disc's:dohalot is to do with what the pads are made from :augie I think OEC or TBR do the disc's
well if our axle is the same as the patrol just shorter. ask dadba to take some pics .... thats assuming hes got discs on the rear

i know nothing:D