I read on here that it's a handy thing to have if you do a body lift!
Any idea where I can get one
Any idea where I can get one
If you rise the body up then your lowering the gear stick, so wouldn't that act as a quick shift? :nenau
So in this case then there are more parts involved then just a replacement gear stick.Fitting a quickshift when doing a boy lift allows you to extend the gear lever without ending up with something that has to move all over the cab as you shift gear.
But if Zippy wants a body lift so he can fit larger tyres then the hight of the tow bar will still go up unless he's going to run 2 sets of wheels
Just realised I misread this thread title....Quick s-h-i-f-t....I was mixing it up with dump valves...:doh
or just have an adjustable tow bar
but 2 sets of wheels is best then you dont wear your muds out too quick or damage your road tyres
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