Road fund /tax for vehicles after march01

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Nov 30, 2004
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originally thought everything y reg and 51 onwards being taxed on emmisions.

have been on parkers handy for trade in prices and to a degree road tax.

now saying that 03/01 to 03/06 are not going up, or as much as thought before.

looking at an 03 patrol, it gives out 288g/km.

its down as an F band and taxed upto april this year £210, but taxed after
this april is band K and £215, then K again from 04/10 £245.

Seems at 288g/km, then as over 255 would be £405 / year but mention this
had been deferred presume the £215 + £245 above. Is there any idea what
happens after april 2011, seems unjust that could buy an older x reg with
same engine and emissions and miss out on the bandings unless brought in
for older cars too. over 255g/km will be band M btw.

And they wonder why there are fields of new cars not selling apart from economy.
my sone in law is an MOT tester and there is a sugestion that older cars will be taxed on their emmissions as measured (by a new process not the one allready in use!) as measured and entered in the MOT TEST!

I have cars in band K and have the same issues but I think it is a case of we will just have to wait and see, I htink their will be a lot of political and economic changes in the next couple of years so who can tell what will happen!
The proposed increases got dropped at he last budget but with all the noise about 15% VAT and other stuff no one really noticed. I did as having deliberately bought a pre 1st Mar 2001 so that the tax would be cheaper I suddenly found I could have got something newer, still you win some you loose some.
my sone in law is an MOT tester and there is a sugestion that older cars will be taxed on their emmissions as measured (by a new process not the one allready in use!) as measured and entered in the MOT TEST!

If they do go that route i'll fit my old MAF unit when it comes to MOT time:lol:lol:lol
The proposed increases got dropped at he last budget but with all the noise about 15% VAT and other stuff no one really noticed. I did as having deliberately bought a pre 1st Mar 2001 so that the tax would be cheaper I suddenly found I could have got something newer, still you win some you loose some.

I've just received my reminder. It's £210 for the year from 1 April 09.

Dam government

Sold the t2 last may after budget and lost £1000.00 due to tax hike in April now the dropped the idea typical :mad:

But I still have to pay the £400.00 tax as i brought the 57 Patrol in Feb before the Dam tax hike :mad:

So i Have got hit Twice dame bloody typical you ever wished you had a crystal ball, and to top it all off the country has gone to the dogs
lost two companies going in to liquidation owing me money already in march. never mind Jan ans Feb :banghead

Any One Want a 57 patrol :( :(
245 in 2010, but what in 2011+, maybe get dealer to discount motor on basis gonna cost
more to buy newer...

By the time the trade has moved its current stock, cut back on replacement stock and whacked in the effects of the exchange rate, cars will probably be 25% more expensive by then!