malfunction indicator HELP PLEASE!!!!

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recently purchased terrano 3.0 sve.TD
started up normally,drove for a mile or so over speed humps orange light came on pulled over to look,not a lot to see,went work,got back in vehicle started orange light,:doh
drove home investigated further,nothing obvious,came to start 10 mins later running as should no orange light,i know very strange,like its owner,previous owner said he had problem with key i have only one i read manual not much help there

HI yes the one that looks like a engine motor orange in colour nothing else came on,
Haven't done anything, but trust me people like Toolbox will be able to help diagnose the problem with further questioning now they know which light it was....

It isn't always fatal - mine has done it a few times along the way and just gone away again!
Hello NSV257

You could do with getting the code that will be stored in the ECU read, this will hopefully help pin point where the problem lies.
I would almost certainly think yours is an OBD2 system, this is different to the workshop download for reading error codes on the 2.7tdi OBD1 and you will have a 16 pin diagnostic connector instead of a 14 pin. I am not entirely sure if it is possible to read the codes without a code reader, as I have not tried it. But if you follow the workshop download and short across pin 1 & 8 on the 16 pin diag connector you may get a result, as I say I have not tried this and have only read the info on what pins to short so it is down to you if you give it a go, I cannot guarantee it will work or that it will not damage anything.

Most local garages have OBD2 code reading equipment these days as this system was introduced to make communality across all makes of vehicle electronics.
recently purchased terrano 3.0 sve.TD
started up normally,drove for a mile or so over speed humps orange light came on pulled over to look,not a lot to see,went work,got back in vehicle started orange light,:doh
drove home investigated further,nothing obvious,came to start 10 mins later running as should no orange light,i know very strange,like its owner,previous owner said he had problem with key i have only one i read manual not much help there

Apart from other things this lamp will indicate water in the fuel fillter, there is a drain tap on the bottom of the fillter housing, try this first, if the fillter has not been changed in the last 5k miles then change it now!


to all concerned thanks for your input i will try the fuel filters etc and let you know how i go on ,never owned this type of vehicle never mind a diesel,got a mechanic coming to do all belts and filters on sunday hopefully update all then

many thanks
no self service,parts sourced locally only took 20 minutes no point in draining out due to look of filter,so heres hoping air and oil this weekend,:augie