Help with car won’t start

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Aug 12, 2020
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Hi my Nissan terrano will not start tonight
it was fine this morning but now all it does is crank over the nats light flashing 6 times then on all the time with key in the on position may be problem with the nats system and help would be good or even better I’m in Blackpool if anyone is close that could sort it for me thanks Ryan
Yes it is a NATs problem, if you have more than one key the try another but I fear if you have tried to start it more than 3 times with a bad key then it will have to be sorted by a car locksmith with the correct equipment, Rick
Hi my Nissan terrano will not start tonight
it was fine this morning but now all it does is crank over the nats light flashing 6 times then on all the time with key in the on position may be problem with the nats system and help would be good or even better I’m in Blackpool if anyone is close that could sort it for me thanks Ryan

Is this coupled with the engine MIL light or not as this is crucial for the diagnostic procedure?
Is this coupled with the engine MIL light or not as this is crucial for the diagnostic procedure?

Hi the MIL light is on but not flashing with key in the on position
when i try and start car MIL goes off and it just turns over but does not fire up
would auto lock smith be able to solve this ? if they can recode key and put new chip in it can they
get into the NATS system on car also . i have key code in my paperwork for car if that would help

Thanks for the info
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Hi the MIL light is on but not flashing with key in the on position
when i try and start car MIL goes off and it just turns over but does not fire up
would auto lock smith be able to solve this ? if they can recode key and put new chip in it can they
get into the NATS system on car also . i have key code in my paperwork for car if that would help

Thanks for the info

Sorry mate not had chance to look in the forum all weekend as I've been busy as!!!!

It might not even be a case of any recoding needs doing, you haven't been messing with your stereo recently have you? The majority of people that end up with NATS issues on the Terrano have induced the fault themselves by switching their stereo out.

The next biggest culprit seems to be the connection to the IMMU ring that is a collar that sits around the ignition barrel and reads the signal from your paired transponder in your key. Give that a look by removing the cowling around the steering wheel and unplugging and reconnecting the connector and checking snagged wires etc as you go.

Have you made any progress solo over the weekend bud?
Thanks for reply ,No not had time with work to look at car I’ got price of AA for new key with chip £270 the cost the chip in my key is cracked some how lol
Could the AA breakdown plug into the plug and read any codes ?
Thanks for reply ,No not had time with work to look at car I’ got price of AA for new key with chip £270 the cost the chip in my key is cracked some how lol
Could the AA breakdown plug into the plug and read any codes ?

I doubt you will need a new key mate and there's deffo a lot more you can check yourself that might save you wasting £270 straight off the bat.

You can actually read the codes yourself mate and you only need a paperclip :) :augie

On your 3.0 there will be a 16 pin OBD plug underneath the fusebox cover in the drivers fototwell, if you bridge the top left with the bottom right and turn the ignition on then you'll induce the engine light. Long flashes are worth 10 and short flashes are worth one...... so 2 long flashes and 4 short would be 24, you can then cross reference these with the table on the last page of the linked document here;

Shout up if you struggle :thumb2
Hi thanks for that just had AA out and he said the key is
not recognise I do know the chip in the key is faulty as some bits came of it lol
Hi thanks for that just had AA out and he said the key is
not recognise I do know the chip in the key is faulty as some bits came of it lol

Careful how much you buy off the AA man!!!!, the bits that have come out will probably be the button switches for the lock/unlock, that little circuit board in there is just for the central locking!!! Those are very very easily swapped and reprogrammed to the car but will not prevent it from starting. It will operate on the 418MHz frequency.

The important part in question is a tiny solitary chip inside the key body, this is the transponder that is paired to your IMMU and other NATS gubbins. You should technically be able to start your car with just the key blade and the transponder somewhere close the the IMMU ring on the ignition, be very very careful if you're removing this from your key!!!!

Here is a key and ignition barrel I have in stock at the moment, you'll notice the box on the top with white sticker (Siemens) is the central locking module, the IMMU ring is in front of it wrapped around the neck of the barrel and held into place with a single screw I think from memory

Barrel, Key, IMMU Ring & Central Locking Module

Transponder removed from Key Body
The key is fine it’s the ring around key not sending signal so I’ve been told lol now what
How do you know it's the transponder key side not working? Have you tried a spare key?

Hi thanks for reply I don’t have spare key unfortunately I had as key assist out to reprogram key and he’s told me the key is fine . He said the thing around the key barrel is not sending signal to ecu to for immobiliser . I have no idea what to do next lol
I need to know exactly the sequence of events, was the key first declared bad and then repaired or has it always been good, the coil around the switch can be replaced if it is indeed faulty, but you will still not be able to start the car if you have tried a number of times and failed as NATS will lock you out for good until it is reprogrammed, Rick
I need to know exactly the sequence of events, was the key first declared bad and then repaired or has it always been good, the coil around the switch can be replaced if it is indeed faulty, but you will still not be able to start the car if you have tried a number of times and failed as NATS will lock you out for good until it is reprogrammed, Rick

Hi thanks for reply the key as been fine all time . I went to work Monday in car all
fine parked up in car park after work got in car and not starting . Who can reprogram the NATS is it only Nissan that can do this ? All auto lock smiths in Blackpool I have rang and no one will do it that’s why I got the AA and they have been no good also after £200 spend with them car still the same . If I was to go into Nissan for reprogram of NATS what would cost be roughly ?
Thanks Ryan
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Hi thanks for reply the key as been fine all time . I went to work Monday in car all
fine parked up in car park after work got in car and not starting . Who can reprogram the NATS is it only Nissan that can do this ? All auto lock smiths in Blackpool I have rang and no one will do it that’s why I got the AA and they have been no good also after £200 spend with them car still the same . If I was to go into Nissan for reprogram of NATS what would cost be roughly ?
Thanks Ryan

I have a guy that has a Consult II kit that does this but there are other bits of kit out there that will do this too. I'm trying to get myself a kit together myself so that I can get myself out of any NATS trouble in future should I inevitably run into this issue myself in future.

The part you are referring to is the IMMU ring, these are paired to the NATS system so will need to be repaired. I have spares in my stock but can't help you re-pairing :nenau
The part you are referring to is the IMMU ring, these are paired to the NATS system so will need to be repaired. I have spares in my stock but can't help you re-pairing :nenau

Not so Zac it is simply a coil of wire, no intelligence in there at all, but yes if it has had 3 bad start tries then NATS locks out and it will need to be re programed with the correct soft ware, Rick
I stand corrected, there is a board attached but it can be unplugged from the coil, it is probable that the board is paired with the NATS unit but whatever at the end of the day it needs the dedicated computer hook up to sort it, Rick