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Jul 24, 2012
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Couple of days before I should have been set to go off roading in The Lake District :(

NHS App says I have to isolate for 7 days

Beyond Gutted :camping:
Couple of days before I should have been set to go off roading in The Lake District :(

NHS App says I have to isolate for 7 days

Beyond Gutted :camping:

But it is not LAW Zac you do not have to abide by it if you do not want to, I say go camping, Rick
As long as people keep acquiescing, the longer this will go on.... unless we make a stand we have another 3 and a half years of this.
Obviously you guys don't know the whole story with Zac and his reasons for isolating.
A guy who sits a couple of desks down from him has tested positive for covid and been hospitalised.
So your telling him to go against his morals and respect for his friends and their families and go out anyway.
Great advice guys:clap:clap
Obviously you guys don't know the whole story with Zac and his reasons for isolating.
A guy who sits a couple of desks down from him has tested positive for covid and been hospitalised.
So your telling him to go against his morals and respect for his friends and their families and go out anyway.
Great advice guys:clap:clap
Last time I saw Zac he looked as fit as a butchers dog..... it is very very rare for people with no underlying health conditions to have a problem.
Last time I saw Zac he looked as fit as a butchers dog..... it is very very rare for people with no underlying health conditions to have a problem.


Yeah but he could still have it and say pass it onto someone who isn't so heathy. :banghead

Cracking advice without knowing all the details :doh

Yeah but he could still have and say pass it onto someone who isn't so heathy. :banghead
So you're happy for folks with no underlying health conditions to lock themselves away to protect those with health conditions?
If we continue with this you do realise this is forever don't you?
So you're happy for folks with no underlying health conditions to lock themselves away to protect those with health conditions?
If we continue with this you do realise this is forever don't you?

Yep I am it's only 10 days currently and I can see that number being lowered. (I think 10 days is too long if you have had a neg test btw).

If my mate turned up to a meet and said or kept it to himself that the app told him to isolate I wouldn't be happy, They won't know my plans who I'm going to see in the days afterwards? Maybe my gran, or a elderly neighbour?

And it won't be forever.
Yep I am it's only 10 days currently and I can see that number being lowered. (I think 10 days is too long if you have had a neg test btw).

If my mate turned up to a meet and said or kept it to himself that the app told him to isolate I wouldn't be happy, They won't know my plans who I'm going to see in the days afterwards? Maybe my gran, or a elderly neighbour?

And it won't be forever.
We have been living with corona viruses for centuries. If this is what we are told it is then it won't be going away ;)

The only way out of this enforced tyranny is for everyone to stop acquiescing.... it's as simple as that.
Yeah, I totally get the reason for locking everything down when it first kicked off, and I think it was the right choice to make. But now I think we need to trust people to use their common sense.

In the past, if I had a cold or felt like crap, I stayed at home, I'd cancel any plans I had, and I certainly wouldn't go and visit any of my older relatives until I knew I was better. I didn't need an app to tell me to do it!

And if someone came into the office with snot streaming our their nose, they would get shouted at by everyone else until they buggered off home so they didn't spread it to their colleagues.

We have gone through the worst of it now, everyone who wants a vaccination has had the chance to get one, this virus isn't going anywhere, it's just another one to add to the list of others that have been around for years.
We have been living with corona viruses for centuries. If this is what we are told it is then it won't be going away ;)

The only way out of this enforced tyranny is for everyone to stop acquiescing.... it's as simple as that.

Where has that bit of information come from "We have been living with corona virus for centuries or do you mean not the COVID 19 variant & it's recent mutations?

It was interesting watching the news yesterday when Lisa Shaws widow told his emotional story about her dying of blood clots related to the Astra Zenica jab. The very rare side effect being blood platelets that formed clots also lowering the count - hospital staff had no established treatment for her situation.
It mentioned in passing that a similar rare side effect has been found in the use of Heparin that is a blood thinning agent that has the opposite effect in some rare cases causing your own immune system to attack the Heparin and form clots!

I had to self inject Heparin for 28 days last November when I had a kidney removed due to a malignant encapsulated tumour. I hated self injecting but strangely enough it got easier as the days went on. I was never told that Heparin can be fatal in very rare cases!

That said the Anesthetist did tell me there was a 30% chance I would die in surgury or have a debilitating heart attack or stroke. In the recovery room after the procedure I was told I had a heart episode that lasted 3 seconds until my heart started to beat again unassisted.

I consider myself lucky to still be alive & in good enough health that I am able to rebuilding a Honda CB400/4 (ongoing project) & go fishing. Life is often about weighing up the odds - I've had the Pfizer jabs with no ill effects.

I put my faith in our excellent NHS that has got me through Hodkin's Lyphoma twice when I was 39 & 41. Two heart attacks & 9 stents later I'm still around (73) to testify what a great NHS we have.

I firmly put my faith in "the science" and maybe (only just a maybe) a positive attitude to life. I'm not a "the glass is half full person" or "the glass is half empty" type of person - I'm an engineer the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.lol.