Time for a small update after doing a bit of mantainance.
For some time the Shogun did surge a bit and it was getting a bit worse with the engine searching for power.
After a bit of online searching I discovered that I had a good chance by doing some work on the fuel surge control valve it would be over.
There you find the bastard, After removing one of the batteries I had just enough room to don't have enough room.
My arms are to long and my hands are to big, but after 20 minutes of fiddling it came out.
The options I had were cleaning the valve or getting a new one for a lot of money.
So I went for the first option and took it apart:
It's just a housing with a solonoid in it, a valve and a spring.
Out came some dirt from the fuel and after giving it a polish and making sure everything was clean I did put it back together.
And.... problems are gone :clap
The next update did involve some swearing and took nearly 3 hours to complete....and what was it then? Just replacing the rear brakepads :doh
Wanted to do front and rear on the same afternoon, but only completed the rear.
First I did the right side, got the caliper off the truck and replaced all the seals inside since it had a tear in it.
After rebuilding the caliper it started to rain so had to wait for a bit.
When it got dry again I went for the other side and came to the conclusion that the slider pin that is holding the caliper was stuck big time on the bottom one :doh
In the end I had to remove the bracket with the caliper and after some swearing and heavy tools it came free again.
With a good clean and a lot of grease it went great again. Then I made the conclusion that the garage that replaced the pads the last time did damage the thread in the caliper.
So back to the tools again and repaired it by making a new thread again.
This are the old pads from the lef side and you can clearly see something was wrong :augie
I already knew the caliber got stuck a bit, but didn't new that stuck...
After bleeding both sides I did a test drive and it brakes a lot better in the rear now and the caliper doesn't stick any more.
I went for Brembo pads by the way
So no I do have 2 weeks break from work.
On monday I will pick an excavator and do some work in the garden in the first week.
On the second week the misses is gone for a training so I have some time to replace the front discs and pads as well and try to place the driving lights that are still waiting