Loss of revs and cutting out in reverse when cold Help please

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Sep 16, 2018
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Hi just like your thoughts My 08 exxy runs great most of the time but started in the winter playing up Its an automatic and when it has been left overnight or for a few hours when I put it in reverse it lost revs and cut out I thought it was due to cold weather It’s ok if I use two feet and keep revs up Over the months it’s got a bit worse in that it cuts out first few minutes when started and cuts out if I put it in first gear Again ok if I run it for a while revving it or using two feet Once I get going it’s fine Had different garages tell me different things one says it’s a stretched timing chain Another said it gear box fault saying there’s an electric circuit board in gear box that’s breaking down I thought it may be a sensor or sender or filter or just gear box oil thick Did think about getting oil changed but heard that this should not be changed I don’t want to take to a garage to get a big job done if not needed Any advice welcome Be good if anyone had same problem and fixed it Thanks in advance
Welcome and as said in another thread Xtrails are not my thing, but have a look at the colour of your oil it should be nice clean red, if it is fine, but if it is brown or worse then the box has likely been overheated, oh and yes the box will have its own ecu so a call in to a garage that has a reader can give good insight into the box condition, Rick
Engine Cutting out

Hi There,

I am not an X trail owner but can offer some tips to help you I hope. I have run Automatic Vehicles for the last 50 years so have come across various issues in the past.

Firstly am I correct in thinking that what you are saying is that when you engage Reverse when cold the engine stalls?
Secondly does it do the same when you engage Drive from cold?

As mentioned previously have you checked the colour of the ATF if it is nice & pink I suspect your issues are related to the engines ability to maintain an effective cold start idle speed. On Automatics the idle speed will drop as you engage D or R, the ECU should maintain the idle speed as you do this, when cold extra enrichment is needed.

Modern engines have quite complex systems to control emissions when starting from cold. The ECU will have a variety of signals that feed in, they will include crank / camshaft (where fitted) position sensors, engine temperature, cold start enrichment systems, air mass sensor, throttle position switch, etc. On some vehicles a brake light switch can cause problems as the brake pedal usually needs to be depressed when you move out of Park.

I would start checking basics such as is the air induction side original. Check for any leaks between air cleaner / intercooler / turbo pipes. I assume the throttle is fly by wire - potential fault area. A diagnostic check by a Nissan Dealer or Specialist should be able to check for any issues and identify the cause. If the timing chain is worn it can cause the type of problems you state. I know Nissan have had timing chain issues on some models causing EML faults.

Sorry I can't be more specific but a diagnostic check would cover pretty much all areas.
Thank you

Oh thanks for that very useful info I’ll give to my sole trader garage man to see may be he can do a form of elimination for me Scared to take to Nissan as OAP so worried re costs If anyone knows a small or one man garage with Nissan experience in new forest area I’d welcome a heads up
Oh thanks for that very useful info I’ll give to my sole trader garage man to see may be he can do a form of elimination for me Scared to take to Nissan as OAP so worried re costs If anyone knows a small or one man garage with Nissan experience in new forest area I’d welcome a heads up
Hi thanks forgot to say yes stalls in reverse from cold and sometimes not always stalls in drive from very very cold
IÂ’ve printed out you reply and will show my little old garage man Thanks again
Keep us posted on progress

Hi thanks forgot to say yes stalls in reverse from cold and sometimes not always stalls in drive from very very cold
I’ve printed out you reply and will show my little old garage man Thanks again

Best of luck please keep us updated if you solve or don't fix the issue. Just as an aside my neighbour / mate has a Mercedes old shape B Class Diesel Auto that would stall at junctions as he started to drive off. In the winter it was dangerous in the summer it was a once a fortnight problem.

After 18 months of various software updates, new fuel filter etc he started to get a strange noise from the Alternator area so had a new drive belt fitted. When they fitted the drive belt it was discovered that the pulley wheel on the alternator was partly seized up. Mercs on this model have a sort of free wheel clutch built into the pulley wheel unit. It has never stalled since, the engine sounds much quieter than it has ever done. On the bigger Merc Diesels they also have a small electric air pump that pushes gasses into the intake when needed at low engine r.p.m. In the good old days you could just turn the small screw on the throttle stop to increase engine rpm a tad. Engines are so complex these days.
Any update yet ??

Have you fixed the fault ?
Looking on the nett it could be the timing chain, what sort of mileage has it covered?
Hi still under investigation Got it booked in to Nissan early Oct for £50 diagnostic and possibly update of transmission software as they’ve got it listed as a problem with 2nd to 1st gear on uphill or load So my garage man has advised I get software done Also been advised could be transmission fluid but still trying to find if mine ok to change cos understand some models shouldn’t be changed otherwise it will do more damage Also people saying could be electrical It’s really odd as if I let it run or drive it for just 10 mind I can reverse all day as often and as long as I like That’s why ruling out timing chain stretch Very Head scratching but I promise I’ll let you know as soon as I get it sorted
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Does this model/engine have a MAP(manifold absolute pressure)sensor?
It performs its magic when the engine is cold.
Adjusts air and fuel mixture to increase the rpm when cold to stop the engine stalling when gears are selected.
This could explain why once up to running temp the problem goes away.:nenau
Does this model/engine have a MAP(manifold absolute pressure)sensor?
It performs its magic when the engine is cold.
Adjusts air and fuel mixture to increase the rpm when cold to stop the engine stalling when gears are selected.
This could explain why once up to running temp the problem goes away.:nenau

This should come up on the diagnostic check I would have thought unless its too downstream on the system wiring?
This should come up on the diagnostic check I would have thought unless its too downstream on the system wiring?

I would have thought so.
Even if the diagnostic test it done when the engine is warm it should have logged the fault and how many times its been triggered.

Have you had the diagnostic check
Yes had it on at two garages then Nissan did it and nothing registering I’m going in on Tuesday for software update but they don’t think that will help they just want to keep looking and scratching their heads and giving me another bill lol
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It may be worth checking the glow plugs as they are commonly switched on after starting until the engine coolant temperature rises to >40 Deg.
If not working it may affect the idle speed under load.

The fuel and coolant temperature sensors are probably worth checking too as these will affect low temperature enrichment.