Any Audiophiles here?

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Jun 14, 2012
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Suz and I are currently going through my late Father-in-laws house sorting everything out. The entire estate is shared equally between Suz and her brother, so it's now just a case of maximising the assets, so to speak...

Going through everything has opened our eyes a lot, he was a bit of a magpie, and never seems to have had just one of anything.

The problem is, everything is also slightly off the beaten track, so it's not just a case of popping it on Ebay/local free ads, if we want to get the best value for them.

Some stuff is so specialised, like we have found 2 harmonica's in a drawer, a full sized Yamaha Keyboard/piano, goodness only knows how many Oil paint sets in custom wooden boxes, and all sorts of easels, several SLR type film cameras along with their paraphernalia, a bird watching telescope, a few pairs of quality binoculars, several bowie type knives, plus an SAS type Dagger, which we are trying to find a collector who will be interested in buying from us, as selling knives is a very dodgy pastime now.

Then there is a an amazing special forces sleeping bag, that rolls up into it's own hood, and is waterproof... It looks perfect, and never used. I have no idea where to sell that.

But those are all for a later date, the current headache, is his Stereo system... I feel a bit overwhelmed, as he was so into it and very proud of it. Unfortunately, I am the sort of person who pops into Curry's and says "That sounds OK, and looks nice, I'll have that"..

He has 4 huge Quad speakers, 2 are an older design, and 2 are the newer design. He has various Quad Amps, pre amps, power supplies, and tuners.

Then he has another tuner, plus 2 amazing looking record decks (I can't remember the makes of these at the moment)

The first item I decided to look into was his CD player...
For the Audiophile, it's a CDP-101 made by Sony..
Basically, for the rest of us, its the first commercially available CD player ever made, complete with infrared remote control, and seems to have a real enthusiasts following. It is amazing, when you look at it, you would never know that it was built in 1983, as it would not look out of place in any modern system.

All the stuff is in Mint condition, as he kept it covered, in his music room, and only uncovered it when he listened to it. Wish me luck, it's going to seem weird when we actually start selling it all.
Quad is quite sought after

The Quad stuff is quite sought after. I am a Cyrus man myself both fetch good money on e-bay.
Likewise both Belt drive and direct drive turntables are sought after even Japanese ones. Pink Triangle is pretty much top of the game.
The Quad stuff is quite sought after. I am a Cyrus man myself both fetch good money on e-bay.
Likewise both Belt drive and direct drive turntables are sought after even Japanese ones. Pink Triangle is pretty much top of the game.

I think I would remember "Pink Triangle", so it's not that...:lol

I was looking at what exactly "Electrostatic" speakers were... It goes against all the things I did with analogue electronics in the old days, I can not understand how adding an Electrostatic field anywhere near a speaker can be a good thing..:doh

Do you think that when I list the speakers on Ebay or what ever, is it best to list them including the amps, or list them all separately?
Quad Electrostatic

I think I would remember "Pink Triangle", so it's not that...:lol

I was looking at what exactly "Electrostatic" speakers were... It goes against all the things I did with analogue electronics in the old days, I can not understand how adding an Electrostatic field anywhere near a speaker can be a good thing..:doh

Do you think that when I list the speakers on Ebay or what ever, is it best to list them including the amps, or list them all separately?

If your Quad Speakers are Electrostatic ones they are very collectable. Last pair I saw were about 15 years ago at Nottingham Hi-Fi they had bought them were marked as P.O.A.
list the record decks please,i am after a replacement.
he sounds like me i am old school audio speakers are ditton 66 i got in 1976.still far superia to most made now.
list the record decks please,i am after a replacement.
he sounds like me i am old school audio speakers are ditton 66 i got in 1976.still far superia to most made now.
Will do, we are taking a long weekend off from going over there, so will be back on Monday.

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list the record decks please,i am after a replacement.
he sounds like me i am old school audio speakers are ditton 66 i got in 1976.still far superia to most made now.

OK, I have checked them both out, and made sure they work.

Luxman Direct Drive Player PD272 with a Shure M97 cartridge




Thorens TD 160 Super with an SME arm





I might be interested in that sleeping bag :)

Apparently it is a RARE (well so the advert said :augie ) 58 PATTERN LONG SLEEPING BAG 1984 PARA SAS MARINE SBS GUARDS with Waterproof backing
CAT.No. J1/8465-99-120-8987




And I might be interested in the knives... :naughty
I have contacted a guy about selling them, but he says the only one actually worth much is the Solingen, he would take the rest with it, and sell them, but would not be interested in them on their own.

Solingen W Germany M3 with Green M8A1 scabbard with integral canvas frog

William Rodgers I cut my way Sheffield Bowie Knife (Dirty used)

William Rodgers I cut my way Sheffield Bowie Knife (Clean)

Muela Alce INOX 5516 - Drop Point Knife in Green Box

Whitby HK 1201 Fixed Blade in White Box

Kershaw Roughneck Hunting Knife 1010 in Grey box, opened at wrong end.
I might be interested in a knife or two for camping/bushcraft, Sounds like the other knives are more modern as you can still but some of them.
I might be interested in a knife or two for camping/bushcraft, Sounds like the other knives are more modern as you can still but some of them.

Which ones are you interested in, PM me with an offer, and I will check with Suz's what she wants to do.
Luxman PD 272 Turntable

The pick-up arm on that Luxman is awesome that is a high end looking arm must have cost a fortune new. Even this entry level direct drive model was expensive back in the day.

Not sure what make arm has been fitted but it looks the business as it is so straight. Shure Cartridge was a popular quality brand in the 80's with a range of prices depending on the model.

I think that will sell for good money on e-bay.
The pick-up arm on that Luxman is awesome that is a high end looking arm must have cost a fortune new. Even this entry level direct drive model was expensive back in the day.

Not sure what make arm has been fitted but it looks the business as it is so straight. Shure Cartridge was a popular quality brand in the 80's with a range of prices depending on the model.

I think that will sell for good money on e-bay.

I think it's a SME 3009 Series 3 arm.

Those decks and arms need a high degree of TLC with respect to general handling and certainly any movement from their current location and preparation for transit. If you decide on prices and offer them here first I'd certainly take a serious look.

If you have any questions that I may be able to help with please feel free to ask. I'm a bit of a vinyl junkie. If you can find the original boxes for the gear that would help. Considering what you've said about how well they were looked after I'd be surprised if the boxes are not stored somewhere.


Cheers Guys.

The Thorens has gone. Luckily, he still had the manuals, so I was able to find all the information to lock everything down, and spent the best part of the afternoon making up packing for it.

Most of the other stuff does have the boxes, so now I am going round checking things work, and then pairing them up with their boxes and instructions, plus in a lot of cases the original sales pamphlets.

The first Quad system I started on, is the OLD one... This is some sort of Voodoo, as these 3 boxes can make sound come out of the 2 radiators in the second picture...:lol


Just love the quad stuff :)


I have to say the newer amps, and more importantly speakers he has do look better, but it's still so OTT...

They do sound nice, but I guess to my untrained ear, not £1000 second hand good... I like more base as well...

I like speakers you can stick up on the wall, out the way... And don't have to have serviced at over £1000 a pop...

Mind you, it's good that people do like them, as we should be able to sell them, as they really are in mint condition, just a bit dusty.