New abs sensor, abs light still on???

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Looking at your pic, with studs and no brake rings, you have FIXED HUBS so yes one circlip on the shaft after the hub is on, so that is not your problem, but have you checked the other side? just remove the cap, there is also the possibility another sensor has failed, I doubt the reluctor ring is at fault, was the new sensor the same length as the old one, not the wire but the part that fits into the hub, Rick
Cheer rick. My bad re the fixed hubs haha.
I unfortunately do not know if it was the same length as the old one snapped off and had to be drilled out.
I will check the other side this morning and see if the circlips there. Thanks again guys
Update: went to another mechanic he stripped everything down cleaned then put back together, checked abs ring for cracks, all good. As soon as i picked it up abs on again.

I spent a while testing it. Now under an emergency brake the pedal kicks back a wee bit at full compression of the pedal.

Under braking from 15-20mph the brake pedal will already be hard to push and instantly judder as if the abs is kicking in before i even put pressure on the brakes.

All fault codes were related to abs sensor/ reluctor ring (abs ring) for osf.

So lads should i strip the hub and fit a new abs ring myself? Follow the wiring? I dont want to pay a mechanic to investigate as that could cost a whack of money. Cheers in advance
Update: went to another mechanic he stripped everything down cleaned then put back together, checked abs ring for cracks, all good. As soon as i picked it up abs on again.

I spent a while testing it. Now under an emergency brake the pedal kicks back a wee bit at full compression of the pedal.

Under braking from 15-20mph the brake pedal will already be hard to push and instantly judder as if the abs is kicking in before i even put pressure on the brakes.

All fault codes were related to abs sensor/ reluctor ring (abs ring) for osf.

So lads should i strip the hub and fit a new abs ring myself? Follow the wiring? I dont want to pay a mechanic to investigate as that could cost a whack of money. Cheers in advance

Just because it says o/s f dont take it for granted, check wire & plugs for all 4 sensors, I had 2 abs codes come up once, I sorted the first reset the codes & the second fault had gone & never came back.
Hey mav. Cheers i will check them all, going to spend some time tomorrow checking the wiring, if not i will order a reluctor ring. Cheers again
Ah feck. So what do i need to order then? A driveshaft? Sound nae very cheap....
ABS tripping in

Whenever I have had ABS tripping in at low speeds on a variety of vehicles I have owned it has always been down to reluctor ring issues usually corrosion on the front as the rear has been inside the differential.

On one vehicle a 300 TE 4-Matic it was badly corroded reluctor rings but as the drive shafts were £800 each I lived with it. On a 260 E Merc it would trip in at below 10 mph so again I lived with it. On our old Santa FE it was a broken reluctor ring that was a cheap fix at the dealers.

It was obvious that previous owners had tried the cheaper fix and replaced the sensors in every case!
Haha yes mate, cheap fix is the best option! Or not haha. Hopefully can get this fixed though its doing my nut in haha. Just cos im a shite mechanic! Watching kevin bridges though so all is good!!
Ah feck. So what do i need to order then? A driveshaft? Sound nae very cheap....

New one will be megabucks, but I am not convinced this is the problem, it is simply a series of metal lumps that as they pass the sensor (magnetic) the sensor sends a pulse back to the ABS control unit, so you gonna tell me the lumps have fallen off? Rick
I go with macabiethiels corroded rings, but have yet to see anything like that on a T2, (easily identified if this is the case) the blocks should have nice square edges, Rick
Im going to the lockup now to strip it apart and check the reluctor ring for any damage. The abs sensor was from nissan they stated it would work but has different cable routing, they wanted £50 for two clamps. but they did also say there was a new hub available which had a different location for the sensor. Will let you all once ive checked the reluctor ring out
Hi doug i have searched through the workshop manuals and cant seem to find anything with an exploded view. The big workshop manual file wont open on my mac or my phone unfortunately.