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I can see positive aspects of bpth points of view, i tink too many controls take away peoples responsibility to think for themselves but slower cars would also be good.

would long term strategy of encouraging manufactures to produce less powerfull cars through tax legislation work, oh hold on we are allready doing that aren't we?

I thik the sad thing is the rush the whole world seems to be in! and the need for ever more extras to sell new cars, and all that is left is more power, you can allways add that, but you can only have so many electric windows!

What we could all do with is a bit more patience and learn to enjoy the journey more!
Actually, they would work on the vehicle's speed, not on engine revs, just as the speed limiters work on a LGV lorry (restricted to 90kpm/56mph) and PCV coach (100kpm/62mph).
The thing is, Lorries & coaches have their tachographs calibrated every 2 years, to +or- 2%
whereas a car's speedo can be over 10% out.
Now from a professional driver's way of thinking, lorries are restricted to 56mph , coaches to 62mph , so why, if the maximum speed is 70mph , aren't all cars restricted to this speed ?? ......... Obviously ... POLITICAL SUICIDE !!! No political party would push for this, as they would be cutting their own throats.
Clarkson said years ago "remove the airbag and replace it with a big spike"

That would encourage you to pay attention and take responsibility for your actions!!!!!!
Clarkson said years ago "remove the airbag and replace it with a big spike"

That would encourage you to pay attention and take responsibility for your actions!!!!!!

Go clarkson.
I heard that in some scandanavian countries they are removing all the road markings and signs.
Accidents virtually stopped as people had to concentrate on whats going on.
I think theres an experiment going on in the UK at the mo based on this no markings thing.
Dont get me wrong I love a bit of speed but most of the twats on the road cant handle it.
I live in the sticks and some stupid council bloke got euro pounds for street lights. So he got motorway std ones erected. Next thing you know the ballards been twated three times in a month!
Never saw it before...............
Go clarkson.
I heard that in some scandanavian countries they are removing all the road markings and signs.
Accidents virtually stopped as people had to concentrate on whats going on.
I think theres an experiment going on in the UK at the mo based on this no markings thing.
Dont get me wrong I love a bit of speed but most of the twats on the road cant handle it.


Couldn't agree more
Well on the for side
it would stop me watching my speedo and my eyes would be on the road
and would stop me looking for speed cameras so eyes on the road again
and I have a clean licence and I want to keep it.
With all the mobile camers around here I feel sure I will get caught doing 32 in a 30 mile limit:(
I woild opt for the option button though to get you out of trouble:thumb2
More big brother controlling everything. Next thing is gps guided cars that there is no driver input.

I think more education and better road manners by everyone. People today have to get everywhere as quick as possible push in as barge there way across lanes etc. Surely it should as safe as possible.

Speed is safe in the appropriate place. Its peoples awareness of the road and the hazards that they are not seeing.

Just my opinion.
I had my photo taken 3 years ago in Blackpool, doing the 32 in a 30mph limit. Plod gave me the option of paying £60:00 fine and 3 penalty points, or going to Lancaster and doing a speed awareness course for £85:00 , but keeping licence clean. Well, I did the course, and it was a joke !! ... 2 classes, with 20 people in each class, paying £85:00 each , 5 days a week !!
Talk about "teaching your granny to suck eggs" !! I was driving a 40ft. long coach when I was photographed, and this ADI instructor was a joke. We went out in a Matiz, and when I rolled up behind some queuing traffic, stopped so that I could see the rear wheels of the vehicle in front making contact with the road. He said "You haven't left enough safety zone, it should be at least one and a half times the length of your car ... I said to him, "You do realise I was done in a 40ft. long coach, so you are basically saying that when in a coach, leave at least 60ft. between me and the car in front.
When I was approaching junctions and roundabouts, I was changing down gears, and he asked why I was doing this, I told him "so that I'm in an apropriate gear for the speed I'm doing, and can pull myself out of trouble if the need should arise. He said I should leave it in top gear until I was on the junction and then select a gear.
If this is how they are teaching youngsters to drive , no wonder there are so many accidents . Don't they teach how to "Read the road" any more ??