quick pic on way to work

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Aug 13, 2014
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At the end of my drive I have to unlock a gate so thought id grab a quick up to date pic

My green eyed monster ��

Photoshop? No its green led 501 bulbs thought it would be bit different. I've found green halos that might work if I separate the lights and fit inside. Not every ones cup of tea but nice to be different lol

My drive to work is why i have 4x4. The back drive from farm is basically a track with bumps pot holes etc for mile and half and drops into my home village where I work so 3 miles door to door.
Ah I see you replaced your standard bulbs I thought you managed to fit a 2nd set of lights in there so they are not always green, If the police see these lit they will pull you.
Here In country we are on good turms with local bobby lol as only one and good friend of ours. All we have really is local tin hitlers with community speed gun. I found with 42" led light bar and 4x100w spot lights it doesn't get pointed at me these days lol
I forgot to post these Mark after my hol, at least I can't find them :nenau




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Was good to meet ya banshee. Was funny as walking to my truck to see someone led under it I was hoping it was you or some one was gonna have sore plumbs lol. Mines changed a bit since then has yours bud
Was good to meet ya banshee. Was funny as walking to my truck to see someone led under it I was hoping it was you or some one was gonna have sore plumbs lol. Mines changed a bit since then has yours bud

Lol!!!! I don't like the sound of sore plumbs :lol

Yeah nice to meet you too bud :thumb2 Mines changed a bit since then too but for the worse :lol It's getting there though
Love the green sidelights:thumbs had them 20 years ago by painting my standard 501 bulbs:lol but the are totally illegal your local copper might turn a blind eye to them (you've prob blinded him with your other lights :lol:lol) but other coppers won't be happy about them but most people just get a defect notice & they have to be changed back to white within 5 days & get the form stamped by a MOT tester before you hand it in to the police station:augie
So what's illegal about coloured side lights?

Years ago (when I was an idiot lol) I got a tug from local plod for general numb-scullery, we spoke a little about blue sidelights that i had and she told me as long as they do not flash they're not illegal :nenau

But I'll be frank, I can't really be bothered to research it :)
So what's illegal about coloured side lights?

Years ago (when I was an idiot lol) I got a tug from local plod for general numb-scullery, we spoke a little about blue sidelights that i had and she told me as long as they do not flash they're not illegal :nenau

But I'll be frank, I can't really be bothered to research it :)

Law states only white or amber lights at the front & red or amber at the rear, I had around 5 defect notices for mine but got a letter through the post saying any more & I would be in court for it:eek: all of my Son's mates have been pulled for the same thing yet trucks never get stopped for blue & green marker lights:nenau
Went out this eve as first test for spot lights. And dam!! Theres alot of light on front now. 4x55w spots. 2x60w from head lights and 240w led bar. It pics up all animal eyes and best part of 1\4 mile ahead its mental and everyone dipped before they saw me. Think that'll do for lighting lol
Went out this eve as first test for spot lights. And dam!! Theres alot of light on front now. 4x55w spots. 2x60w from head lights and 240w led bar. It pics up all animal eyes and best part of 1\4 mile ahead its mental and everyone dipped before they saw me. Think that'll do for lighting lol
What gives with this where people only dip when they're 100% sure you're on dip, and will only dip after you? The number of times I dip early then have to flash muppets as they haven't seen me dip or can't be bothered dipping. It's crazy.
Law states only white or amber lights at the front & red or amber at the rear, I had around 5 defect notices for mine but got a letter through the post saying any more & I would be in court for it:eek: all of my Son's mates have been pulled for the same thing yet trucks never get stopped for blue & green marker lights:nenau

Yeh that's a good point with the trucks, even the ones they have in the cab are really bright aren't they?
Madmark - the Countryside !!

Love the picture at the front of this post took me back to my late teens when my folks moved into the countryside we lived on Tithebarn Lane, Sutton-on-the-Hill Derbys.

I was there from age 17 years to 25 years until I left home. We were surrounded by Farms - happy days we used to get snowed in for a couple of days a year back then until snow plough opened our lane.