Key will not come out stuck WJ Grand Cherokee!

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Aug 20, 2008
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Wife went to work today and when she tried to remove the ignition key it would not come out!
I managed after lots of fiddling & lock lubricant to extract the key.

Using spare key managed to end up in same situation key will not move to the position where it can be extracted.

At present time leaving key in column - no choice and locking with remote unit.

Any Jeep owners here had this problem ? Lots of stuff on Google search but a lot of it is from Yankee Rednecks. lol

Official Jeep website is pants - thats why I am still here !!
Aah, we had a similar problem with our old Grand Choke, I'd love to be able to help but it happened twice and then never again!

I suspected that as you need to push the whole cylinder in a bit to turn it, there was wear at the base of the ignition barrel and that caused the jamming.

There is a Jeep forum on the web, used them a bit, mainly for the heater packing up!

Good luck, sorry I couldn't be more help.

In the mean time, place a duster over the key area when you park it, if some scumbag sees the key, he might smash his way in.
Whether he can start the car or not... the damage is done.

Re The lock, does it have a steering lock? maybe rotating the steering wheel a bit might help. I'm not familiar with Jeep locks though.
Jeep woes

Hi Rustic, Already have tea towel over column - great minds think alike. Also put vehicle behind our locked drive gates overnight until this is sorted.

Have posted on a couple of Jeep websites but TBH you can wait an age for a reply and they are not of the same calibre as here !
I could be wrong here ( I usually am lol ) , but it sounds to me like the switch isn't going to the off position fully , therefore its not allowing you to withdraw the key ........ I once had a car ( ford Anglia 997cc ) that you could take the key out while it was running :eek::lol
I could be wrong here ( I usually am lol ) , but it sounds to me like the switch isn't going to the off position fully , therefore its not allowing you to withdraw the key ........ I once had a car ( ford Anglia 997cc ) that you could take the key out while it was running :eek::lol

I think Pete has a good point, to remove a key, the tumblers or pins have to lift into a slot or holes in the barrel. So maybe the barrel is able to move in and out not allowing the tumblers to move.

I know we like cheap fixes, but you might need a new barrel or lock assembly...:eek::eek:
Give the lock a drink of WD40 and push the key in and out a few times, then turn it on and off a few times, adding more WD along the key. It sounds like tumblers are sticking.
Fairly sure (if an auto) that the jeep does not realise you are in park thus not releasing the key, turn the motor on, click into drive and then give it a good slam back into park on the gear lever, I suspect you have a dodgy switch. :thumb2
I once had a car ( ford Anglia 997cc ) that you could take the key out while it was running :eek::lol

It must have the same lock as my old mk1 fiesta then:lol the key just slid out of the lock often did it & chucked my keys in the back seat on round about or twisty road as it scared the hell out of any passenger I had in:lol:lol:lol ok I was 17 at the time:augie
Fairly sure (if an auto) that the jeep does not realise you are in park thus not releasing the key, turn the motor on, click into drive and then give it a good slam back into park on the gear lever, I suspect you have a dodgy switch. :thumb2

Well looking at his signature, it is an automatic, so as Alex says automatics are designed to hold onto the key under certain circumstances, I assume to not leave the car unless it was in park, and unable to roll away.

Great suggestion, I am not an automatic driver, so something I wouldn't have thought of.:thumb2

Most of us are thinking... if it doesn't move, and it should, then WD40 it...:nenau
But maybe this is not the case in this instance.

Me being an auto driver, on mine at least, it has to be in park or neutral before it'll start. So I'm sure of yours does start and drive the switch that engage with park must be ok.
Although I could be wrong [emoji55]
Now found this via Google.
Not sure if yours is the same though.

There are two general problems that are "I can't get my key out!" One is the tumblers inside the lock itself are stuck and won't release against their little springs. The key won't come out as the tumblers are holding it firmly in place. You can sometimes, not always, fix this by lubrication so the tumblers will release, and then cleaning. The tap on the end of the key after lubrication encourages the tumblers to retract plus it takes the pressure off the tumblers the key is creating. Cleaning afterwards cleans out the dirt and the lubricant. The wrong kind of lubricant in a locking mechanism just attracts dirt and grim and you'll have the problem again. There are lubricants, usually dry carbon graphite powder type stuff, for locks. You may not be able to get key out and it will be dealer thing. You can remove the ignition assembly, lock assembly. There is a release button you get to from the bottom and you can remove the key and the lock barrel assembly as a unit. Again, take the bottom shroud off and you can see the hole and the release button. The other possible problem is the safety release/cable that I mentioned.
Thanks Blocky 10 !

I've now read the full post and it'll be easier to give you a link.

The link you posted was useful as it gave a link to another Jeep Site with detailed pictures of how to remove the centre gear shift consul and where the ignition cable mechanism is. i plan to get this sorted today. At this stage not sure if the cable operates a solenoid or if its a direct mechanical connection to the switch.

Also U Tube video that shows the issue
Key Issue

Key now removed !

Cable had come adrift on gearshift link in centre console there are two cables one for the gearshift and one that operates the ignition interlock when in Park postion.