happy with this years premiums

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Well-known member
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Aug 13, 2014
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Just had to renew my t2 insurance and all mods declared! And there's alot lol £400 fully comp £50 cheaper than last year but this year more mods were added and I've been with same company for ten years now. Even price comparison didn't come close oh the company is Kieth micheals. I always deal with same guy tell him what I want he comes back by end of day and says right that's the price what ya wanna do? Nice simple and hassel free so I'm happy for another year

So lokka will be ordered next week sweeeeeet
Nice one:thumb2 funny enough my insurance was also £50 cheaper this year aswell:eek::lol still paying more than you just I live in the worst part of the town with a nasty post code put it this way coppers won't come onto the estate on their own:rolleyes:
Yeah mines in the country and my drive to the farm we live on is mile and ahalf long. Couldn't be more opposite to yours sweety.
just left my previous insurer because they were too expensive to renew. By doing that I have saved £140. Fully comp. £190:clap
Yeah mines in the country and my drive to the farm we live on is mile and ahalf long. Couldn't be more opposite to yours sweety.

Oh very nice:thumb2 if I move a mile up the road onto my parents estate (same town) my insurance would drop by £200:eek: need to get off this estate as it's going down hill fast:doh
Top tip !!! Don't bother with insurance and you'll save a packet !!

I wouldn't recommend that for a house or car, but...
Well for car breakdown cover I have spent a fortune over the years, I should have put the premiums in a jam jar, and took a hit if I needed a tow...:doh

Same with appliance breakdown cover, we never pay that, again, we imagine the premiums go into a pot, and if at 13 months a washing machine breaks down... you can get another from the money you have saved.
Mind you... I would challenge the supplier and manufacturer if was just out of warranty.

Mind you, when we bought the Yeti, we opted for the extra two years warranty, as there are lots to go wrong, and technology has moved on since the 20 year old Mav...
But your motor could be written off by livestock :augie

If that is the case, do you have a claim against the farmer?
Difficult to prove though... mind you, as Alex proved recently, having a dash cam saves a lot of issues. I'm sure, following Alex's advice, that more of us have installed one. :thumb2

On Cannock Chase, with wild deer running around, you are on your own with any damage, and these deer can write off a car.
I did take alexs advise and have camera built into rear view mirror constantly recording such a cool thing to have and piece of mind all for £36. Really worth having and it works well at pay and play days