Blanking the 3.0 EGR

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Mar 17, 2013
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So I made the jump and fitted a blanking plate on the Trol's 3.0 engine :eek:

Intercooler and cover off

Know your enemy, this is the bit you're wanting to block - where the EGR system connects to the intake manifold.

Remove the bolts then pull the pipe away to let the gasket slip out. I found the easiest way was to slip the blanking plate in to push the gasket out.

Gasket - see the sooty gunk on it.

Blanking plate - I was going to just buy some stainless steel and cut my own but for speed I picked one up off eBay for just under £5 delivered.

Blanking plate fitted and bolts back in place. Remember to replace the wiring bracket!

Now it's on to stage 2 - adjusting the VNT actuator to stop prolonged overboost while cruising. This doesn't stop boost spikes (they're normal) but it will stop the prolonged overboost while cruising that causes the overboost protection to kick in and can eventually knacker the ZD30 engine.

Unbolted my catch can from its bracket so I could get at the VNT actuator.

This is the VNT actuator.

10mm nuts hold the actuator to its bracket. Stuff a cloth underneath to catch them if they drop!

I undid the furthest away one first in case there was any tension on them.

Once the nuts are off stuff a cloth under the VNT lever as you need to take off the clip that holds the actuator arm onto the lever and you don't want to lose it if it pings away!

Also, do NOT adjust the actuator arm as its factory set for the specific vehicle!

This is the clip - I have a telescopic magnet which is a godsend when working on the truck!

With the clip off move the arm off the lever and it should allow you to get at the stop screw for the VNT arm. Use a permanent marker to mark the stop screw and bracket so that you can keep a track of how much you have adjusted it.

Pics stop here but you'll need an 8mm ring spanner to slacken the nut off (a thin one as there's not much space - I had to take a file to mine to make it fit).

Once the nut is slackened off, use a 2.5mm allen key to screw the stop further in ie. clockwise. It doesn't need to be far, the ZD30 ref doc suggested 3/4 of a turn initially, after reading through it (a lot) I went for a full turn.

Tighten the stop nut back up and refit everything - don't forget your cloth for catching any fallen bits before they disappear into the engine bay!


- To give me some more space I undid the pipe connecting the turbo to the intercooler.

- the nut on my stop screw was mega tight and I ended up jamming a 1/4" 8mm socket onto the long end of an appropriate sized allen key and using a pair of pliers to turn it. With the turbo pipe off (as above) there's enough space for it to sit straight above the bracket for the actuator.

- I did the same as above with the 2.5mm allen key for the stop screw. the bonus of this is you can keep the allen key in the stop screw ad use it to keep track of how far it has turned.

- for tightening the stop nut I have a pair of needle nose molegrips that I put on the bottom protruding end of the stop screw to stop it turning while I tightened the nut.

So what are impressions so far? With the VNT stop screw adjusted as above the truck seems to be a bit more responsive, especially at or above 2,000 rpm. There does seem to be a bit of a loss to the low end torque as she doesn't seem to be able to leap away at the lights quite the same way she used to but A) she can still reverse up a hill in idle no problem; and B) peak torque is at ~ 2000 rpm anyway ;)

I'll report back as time goes on. Proof will be in the pudding once I get offroad with her and I will probably end up fitting a dawes valve and needle valve and adjusting the VNT back to its old setting in the fullness of time but for now I'm happy as having seen the state of the throttle body when I changed the glowplugs I'd rather know the EGR system isn't allowing cr*p back into my intake manifold :thumbs
Also, don't forget to disconnect the negative lead on the battery for 20 mins so that the ECU reverts back to factory settings and can re-learn the new settings from the adjusted VNT actuator :thumb2