Ready for the Snow.... If we ever get any!

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Jun 14, 2012
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We were told to be on standby for snow, some of the local soothsayers seem to be convinced that we are going to get some in the south by Christmas, to the extent they have even put money on it.

Anyway, we have recommended kit, so I have loaded the car up "ready".

A few years ago, I purchased a high lift jack, then read all the horror stories about them, which were kind of scary... I make a point to keep it well maintained, and it's only been used for odd jobs, like pulling fence posts, straightening bent metal, lifting the trailer, and a few jobs where I wanted the car lifted up so I can stick something under the wheels, to allow me to get right under it safely. To this end, I purchased the "Wheel Lift" attachment, which has rubber covered hooks that fit onto the spokes of the wheel, then attaches to the foot of the jack, which in theory means you can lift the wheel about 3 foot off the ground, should you so desire.

I always thought it would be a handy bit of kit to take out when driving in the snow, as the great thing about the High Lift is you can not only use it as a jack, but as a puller and pusher, as well. So while it might not be as easy to use as a winch, it costs a lot less, and I already have it, so in an emergency, it could be useful.

The problem is, it's a real pain to stick in the car, as it does not fit anywhere nicely. I looked at fitting it on the outside of the car, but again, it does not seem to want to go anywhere, so I never pack it, and there have been a couple of times it would have been useful to have had.

This year, I decided I would have another go at making a temporary way of sticking it on the car for the snow period, While in Wales in the summer, I found a guy selling some heavy galvanised metal brackets left over from when they built the local power station, at a boot fair, and bought a few, as they are the sort of thing that "Might come in handy" someday. Using some of these brackets, I have made up a temporary Hi Lift mounting, that fits onto the tow bar, using the extra length of the the tow ball bolts sticking through the nut.

Now I can just stick the jack on when I need it, and take the whole bracket off when I need to use the tow ball again.


Looks very tough, and fit for purpose, but a couple of points, it's likely to get full of road grit and grime, from the wheels and soot from the exhaust, and your departure angle is compromised, but if only used on the day you need it should be fine.:augie
Looks very tough, and fit for purpose, but a couple of points, it's likely to get full of road grit and grime, from the wheels and soot from the exhaust, and your departure angle is compromised, but if only used on the day you need it should be fine.:augie
Thanks, it's only for the snowy days (If we get any). I thought I would give it a try, it may not work out as that practical when it comes down to the real thing, but worth a try.

I am just making a cover to zip over the "Working parts" to protect it a bit, and the exhaust end is just a case of wiping the tip off with a rag that will store nicely in the cover...

As for departure angle, I am not too worried about it, as it is about the same as the towbar, and i was not going to to go off-roading with it on there, it's just as somewhere to keep it in the snow, so hopefully the worst it is going to do, is drag through a snowdrift or two.
Looks good, for the few days it might actually be on will be fine with regards to crap getting in the mechanism.
Looks good, for the few days it might actually be on will be fine with regards to crap getting in the mechanism.

Cheers, I will still make a cover for it though, as the mechanism is behind the wheel, so will get any grit picked up by the wheels. I read about a Guy loosing a thumb because he failed to keep the unit clean. Don't want to risk anything for the sake of a few mins on the sewing machine.
Cheers, I will still make a cover for it though, as the mechanism is behind the wheel, so will get any grit picked up by the wheels. I read about a Guy loosing a thumb because he failed to keep the unit clean. Don't want to risk anything for the sake of a few mins on the sewing machine.

Now that's a great plan.:thumb2
Good pair of rigger gloves... sorted.

I always carry a spade, tow rope, spare dry clothes and a few kgs of rock salt in an old 10 litre plastic emulsion tub...
To be fair, I have only ever used it on other vehicles to get them out of my way so I can get through. Never needed it for my mav... yet...:augie
Now that's a great plan.:thumb2
Good pair of rigger gloves... sorted.

I always carry a spade, tow rope, spare dry clothes and a few kgs of rock salt in an old 10 litre plastic emulsion tub...
To be fair, I have only ever used it on other vehicles to get them out of my way so I can get through. Never needed it for my mav... yet...:augie

Rigger Gloves? Might have to look out for a pair of those, as I have never used them. I was just going to use my thick Snow Gloves.

We are pretty well equipped,
A nice larger folding aluminum snow shovel, and a smaller folding army surplus spade/scraper/pick thing. Not the cheap copy, I made the mistake of buying and trying use one of those in anger...

A multitude of towing ropes and straps with various shackles.

I also have a soft broom with an extending handle, which I use to sweep the snow off the bonnet, and windows, plus the roof. Years ago, when I first started driving, I only cleared the windows, and one morning drove onto the motorway and had to do an emergency stop only a few miles after setting off. The snow on the roof slid down over the windscreen, and was so thick it jammed the wipers, leaving me in the outside lane, unable to see a thing, and unable to do anything about it, other than get out and clear the snow enough that I could get over onto the hard shoulder... Luckily I was not hit.

Like you, I have decanted some Rock Salt into some plastic 5litre containers. I use the ones Comfort fabric softner comes in, as you can spread it directly from those quite easily, and being rectangular, they fit nicely into the boot, having a handle in the top to strap then down. I have done it for years, after finding that Volvo's on normal road tires are as bad as any other car in the snow, despite their Swedish background.

We have a flight case packed with a small stove, Kelly Kettle, tea and coffee making gear, bottled water and some nearly out of date army rations, and also spare clothes, and dry fleece blankets.
If Sweeden is like Norway it is mandatory to use snow tyres between set dates.
The grip is pretty good on ice, a bit like driving on gravel as I recall.
The tyres I was using had small 'nails' in each tread, quite noisy on tarmac but great on hardpack snow or ice.
:) It is actually about 4" behind and just above, but I will take it for a run and check just how hot it gets. That was the reason for the gloves.

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If Sweeden is like Norway it is mandatory to use snow tyres between set dates.
The grip is pretty good on ice, a bit like driving on gravel as I recall.
The tyres I was using had small 'nails' in each tread, quite noisy on tarmac but great on hardpack snow or ice.

Most AT tyres are rated M&S (mud & snow) so legal to use in the Alps etc:augie
A few years ago, I purchased a high lift jack, then read all the horror stories about them, which were kind of scary... I make a point to keep it well maintained, and it's only been used for odd jobs, like pulling fence posts, straightening bent metal, lifting the trailer, and a few jobs where I wanted the car lifted up so I can stick something under the wheels, to allow me to get right under it safely. To this end, I purchased the "Wheel Lift" attachment, which has rubber covered hooks that fit onto the spokes of the wheel, then attaches to the foot of the jack, which in theory means you can lift the wheel about 3 foot off the ground, should you so desire.

How about one of the inflatable jacks that run off the exhaust? Has anyone tried one of these. Should be easier to store in the car and better on mud and snow. :nenau
How about one of the inflatable jacks that run off the exhaust? Has anyone tried one of these. Should be easier to store in the car and better on mud and snow. :nenau

I think they are a great idea but what worries me about them is punctures maybe fine on new motors but once age sets in on a motor (not Rustic's as his is still like new underneath:lol) you start getting sharp bits of rust on the underside & then there is the ground you place it on could a bit of hidden glass or flint etc puncture the bag:nenau
I think they are a great idea but what worries me about them is punctures maybe fine on new motors but once age sets in on a motor (not Rustic's as his is still like new underneath:lol) you start getting sharp bits of rust on the underside & then there is the ground you place it on could a bit of hidden glass or flint etc puncture the bag:nenau

I ones I have seen come with "protection mats". Don't know how good they would be, which is why I was asking if anyone has used one. :nenau


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I ones I have seen come with "protection mats". Don't know how good they would be, which is why I was asking if anyone has used one. :nenau

Can't think off hand anyone mentioning they had one but will ask an old member called Bluebull as he was a fire fighter until a chronic health problem put pay to that:( but he'll prob have some insight into them & will ask a response leader I know well as i'm not sure if they have used them before
I keep a box with a few bits of food, mainly for when Im at work and I always have bottled water but i got a Flameless Cooking System. It boils a cup full of water in around tens minutes. Ok its a slow thing but its always ready and doesnt leak gas or anything. Oh and I always have the boot floor lined with a travel rug. Dont often travel the kind of trips that you need to take precautions but it's always there.
I ones I have seen come with "protection mats". Don't know how good they would be, which is why I was asking if anyone has used one. :nenau
Often wondered about them, but Like Alex, I wonder about punctures, plus they are no good as Pullers, or for lifting fence posts out.

The other problem is, you can only use them if the engine is running, and I just know with my luck, the first time I would need it, I would have a dead engine as well. My wife was on a country lane in the Volvo240, and met a lorry coming the other way... She reversed back down the lane and into the entrance to a field, where the car dropped into a rut and stalled. Every time she started it, it would run for a few seconds and die. When I arrived, I eventually worked out she had stuffed the exhaust into the bank and between that, and the car dropping into the rut had bent it though 90degrees, and squashed it against the bottom of the car, completely sealing it, so the exhaust gasses could not get out. The High Lift allowed me to lift and push the car forward, and then get under it and cut the rear exhaust mounting, and snap the back section off, to get the car home.
That's quite a good idea for occasional use :thumb2
You mentioned earlier about nightmare stories relating to high lifts. I've used mine blinking loads of times and even prefer it now to a trolley jack BUT note this lot :
Most cars or 4x4s are not adapted to take the lifting paw :eek:
There lies the first problem. You can get adaptors to lift landies with them and also wheel strops to lift the car via the car's wheel.
Next problem comes from people plonking them straight onto the ground/mud/snow etc. Then it all gets wobbly bobbly :eek:
My solution has been an offcut of waffle board . That has a grippy surface and also spreads the load :thumbs
I mounted mine on the back door by the way, but then it lives there :D
Do they work with standard terranos etc as been thinking about one for a while but don't know how they work on my truck
I have a bit of 6mm thick checker plate about 10x12ish to stand the car jack on, ever since one of my scissor jacks sank into the hard shoulder on a warm day, but was going to look out for a section of waffle board at some point.

I have the wheel lift, and at the back it goes under the tow bar brackets nicely.

Love your mounting point, but you do seem to be missing a rather large bit off your rear!!

Oh and by the way, put it on and drove 3 miles... Top of jack too hot to hold with bare hands!!! I had no idea it was so hot that end still.

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