The Lazy-Ferret Fuzzmobil

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Jun 14, 2012
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Well, I thought I should start one of these, since this is really the first car I have ever mod'ed to this degree.

I will dig out the pictures I have taken over the time I have had her, and list all the mods, as I remember what I have done.

When I first got the car, it used oil, and at points this has been epic amounts. So for the first few months of owning her, I spent most of my time trying to get to the bottom of what was causing this, so some of the mods are related to that.

Second Oil trap
K&N Filter, later replaced for Cone type, when fitting Snorkel.
2nd battery
12volt meter to monitor 2nd battery
Extra fuse distribution board for 2nd Battery
Front Roof Lights, later changed to LED roof bar.
Rear 3way roof lights
Flettner roof vent
electric aerial in front O/S wing.
Bull bars + Spots
3" suspension lift
2" Body lift
Hard spare wheel cover
Moved Number plate to wheel cover with led lights
Towbar with Dixon Bate coupling
Fitted Raised 13 pin towing electrics to where number plate was.
Extra side marker lights, that also double up as indicators.
Day Light running lights
Converted Ash tray to triple 12v sockets
3 x 12v sockets in boot
Aluminium checker plate rear seat backs.
replaced radio
A pillar pod with voltage meter and Boost gauge
Amber LED Strobes
Rear view mirror converted to Weaco 7" monitor with cameras on rear of car and caravan.
Fitted Air horns
Fitted remote controlled spot lamp
Cargo net to rear door
Extra strapping bridges in the boot area.
LED interior lights, plus extra one in the middle.
Extension brake light.
Lifted spare wheel higher up to make fitting caravan towbar stabiliser easier
Pitch and Tilt gauge
Internal/External temp display
Glove box Light
Special Shelf that allows the ferret cages to be installed, and still be able to stow stuff under them.
Bonnet guard

Major fixes...
Replaced Water Pump
Replaced Turbo
Replaced Cylinder head
Replaced Clutch slave cylinder
Entire exhaust system in stages.
Replaced Fuel Filter mounting.
Replaced rear bumper after accident

I think that is all for now, just need to put them in chronological order with the pictures..
Can't wait for the photos.
What was the cure for your oil problem?

It wasn't just one thing, At first I thought it was the Blow by control valve, so changed that, then when that did not work, I fitted the catch tank, after the blow by control valve, which also drained back into the sump. This helped, but did not cure it.

For a while, I wondered if the Dip Stick was wrong, as, when I left the oil so it was less than half way between full and low, it used a lot less.

Then we wondered if the Turbo was sucking it through, so vented the breather system to atmosphere, After both the Blow by valve, and the catch tank, via a filter, but that just resulted in a very oily engine bay.

Next, I started getting bubbles in the water system, so the consensus was the Cylinder head gasket was blown.

I did not have anyway to measure the compression, so Rick kindly offered to do this. But before I could get down to see him, the water pump packed up, and emptied the system, and I had to change that, which turned out the be the cause of the bubbles in the coolant.

I still went to see Rick, and while we were checking the compression, we also did the valve seals, which did seem to improve things for a while.

I also switched to running on 20/50 oil, which definitely helped.

Then it started getting worse, a lot worse, and I noticed it was actually a lot worse when the engine was working, as when we went away towing the caravan, it got so bad, I used about 12 litres of oil to drive 270 mile.

At this point, I decided to change the Turbo, as this was the only place I could think of which we had not really been able to check. This made a huge difference.

Lastly, when sorting out a sheered off glow plug, we had to change the cylinder head, and while doing this, we noticed some scoring in the number 2 cylinder, so we think that this is allowing the crank case pressure to be a lot higher than normal, which pushes the oil up into the breather system.

Having said that, since we have done all this, as long as I leave the oil half way between full and low, it now only uses about 1 litre of oil between oil changes, so I live with that.
It wasn't just one thing, At first I thought it was the Blow by control valve, so changed that, then when that did not work, I fitted the catch tank, after the blow by control valve, which also drained back into the sump. This helped, but did not cure it.

For a while, I wondered if the Dip Stick was wrong, as, when I left the oil so it was less than half way between full and low, it used a lot less.

Then we wondered if the Turbo was sucking it through, so vented the breather system to atmosphere, After both the Blow by valve, and the catch tank, via a filter, but that just resulted in a very oily engine bay.

Next, I started getting bubbles in the water system, so the consensus was the Cylinder head gasket was blown.

I did not have anyway to measure the compression, so Rick kindly offered to do this. But before I could get down to see him, the water pump packed up, and emptied the system, and I had to change that, which turned out the be the cause of the bubbles in the coolant.

I still went to see Rick, and while we were checking the compression, we also did the valve seals, which did seem to improve things for a while.

I also switched to running on 20/50 oil, which definitely helped.

Then it started getting worse, a lot worse, and I noticed it was actually a lot worse when the engine was working, as when we went away towing the caravan, it got so bad, I used about 12 litres of oil to drive 270 mile.

At this point, I decided to change the Turbo, as this was the only place I could think of which we had not really been able to check. This made a huge difference.

Lastly, when sorting out a sheered off glow plug, we had to change the cylinder head, and while doing this, we noticed some scoring in the number 2 cylinder, so we think that this is allowing the crank case pressure to be a lot higher than normal, which pushes the oil up into the breather system.

Having said that, since we have done all this, as long as I leave the oil half way between full and low, it now only uses about 1 litre of oil between oil changes, so I live with that.
Hell man that's a horror story. You done well to not throw the towel in, cos I would have, and sourced another engine. :eek:
Hell man that's a horror story. You done well to not throw the towel in, cos I would have, and sourced another engine. :eek:

To be honest, that attests to just how good the Terrano is, as it was my first foray into them and Nissan, come to that, and if it had not excelled in everything else, a lesser car would have soon departed, never to have been replaced with another like it.
Not been very good at keeping the Fuzzmobil's thread up to date, I really should have started it when I first got the car, so it was a running thread.

Anyway, today I fitted a new set of Day Light Running Lights, as the ones I fitted not long after I got the car were flashing on as off, which for some reason the Police frown upon. Not good when we spend a lot of time working with them on call outs!!!

So, I got a nice set of 5.5W lights, that would fit into the area under the fog light, and also got a control module to add a few features to them.

The now come on bright when you start the car, dim when you turn on the side lights, the appropriate side flashes with the indicator, and when you hit the horn, they strobe...

Very pleased with them.
