Engine warm up

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Jan 1, 2014
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So who warms their 4x4 up before driving away?

I have a work colleague that turns the key and whizzes away.

Me, I like to shake up the veggie oil in the tank, allow the glow plugs to fully warm 3 times (2 sets of 20 seconds) and a third coil light before turning the key, then I hold the revs between 800 and 1400 dependant on temp ect, and usually wait about two minutes before driving off, I think this is the best way of circulating the oil before putting the block under load.

Also on the other extreme, I had a friend who used to fire up his motorcycle and immediately ride off upto 12/15 thousand rpm, he blew a piston ring before the oil could circulate :doh

Might seem a bit OCD but wanted to know what you guys do when firing up the terrano/patrol?
I used to drive for work, so got into the habit of keeping a "Car Diary", so each morning, I start the car, then record yesterdays mileage, and any work I might have done, before driving off. I do not rev the engine though, I prefer to let it just tick over, and pass the oil round.

If it is freezing, I start the car then clear all the windows off, leaving the blowers up on the screen to help demist it. Never leave the car though, as someone round here was prosecuted by the council a couple of years ago, after starting their car and leaving it running in the drive way to warm up... some sort of anti-pollution by-law or something.

What about running the turbo down after a drive, do you do that?

I am lucky, as I live at the bottom of a hill, so I always drive the last bit down the hill keeping the revs low, the gently reverse into the drive, and let the car have a few seconds before switching off, so the turbo has a chance to cool down.
Yes I also run the car down too, I tend to make this short as I keep the revs low near home and when entering my road i coast the last half saving a bit of time :lol

Not really the 2-5 mins supposedly required, but hey, every little helps :nenau
I jump in & start her up & just let the engine tick over to get the oil flowing around the engine for a min or two whilst I/we put our seat belts on, turn the stereo on (always switched off so sub amp doesn't draw any amps during start up) before pulling away but never open it up any until the fan go's quiet which is about 1/4 mile. In the winter I do the same apart from letting it tick over whilst clearing the glass of ice or snow. Always let the turbo cool before shut down & the last mile home etc try to drive off boost or as little as poss
It is not so much the cooling down that is the problem, it is the spinning of the turbo once its oil supply has been cut, they can spin at up to 100,000 rpm so need a little time to slow down, just let it idle for 30 seconds unless you have just steamed into a service area on the motorway after giving it some stick then I would let it idle for a couple of minutes, Rick
There's very little oil in the top half of the engine for about 15 seconds and more wear occurs then than the rest of the journey. When I drove buses it was mis-conduct to rev up on a cold engine or rev up and switch off on a turbo one. As Terrano Bob said.
Just do last mile of journey normal. As also problem of leaving it running when you stop is rise in engine temp due to no air flow can be just as bad. As when I had Subaru every one said fit turbo timer but just as bad as switching off offer a blast. So just do last part of any journey normal sensible speeds as for start up if you use decent oil just start for a min or two then move it's when people use crap quality oil that causes premiture ware. Oil changes are essential when they're due!!!
always warm up for a couple of mins before driving off.longer when its a cold frosty morning.
as for switching off by the time I have stopped,waited for traffic and reversed onto the drive its been at idle for a couple of mins.
always warm up for a couple of mins before driving off.longer when its a cold frosty morning.
as for switching off by the time I have stopped,waited for traffic and reversed onto the drive its been at idle for a couple of mins.

Who are you trying to convince? us or you :naughty :kissy

Just playing Elty :lol

Re the lack of oil for 15 seconds, I was told by a master technician (motorcycles) that it is best to run the engine with some (sensible) revs to warm and circulate oil quicker as the longer it takes to circulate around the more wear is occuring.

I guess its finding a happy medium of not revving the nuts off it but circulating the oil as quickly as possible.
Just do last mile of journey normal. As also problem of leaving it running when you stop is rise in engine temp due to no air flow can be just as bad.

Air flow isn't a problem on a T2 like it is with a scooby etc as the fan is always spinning drawing in the out side air plus the intercooler in a way acts as a huge heatsink & you can often see any built up heat coming out of the bonnet vent:augie
I like to try and get at least half a minuite at tickover before driving and then first mile very low throttle and never rev before switch off.

The patrol has a warm up switch, which if you switch on increases tickover to 1200 rpm never used it when changed coolent to get it up to temp quicker and bleed system but not used it since.

Kind regards

Ragging it :augie

Nope & it was my Dad that noticed the heat haze coming out of the bonnet vet on a hot day. Don't rag this one about as i've calmed down a lot but my old SWB was a different story drove that like i'd stole it:naughty
Who are you trying to convince? us or you :naughty :kissy

Just playing Elty :lol

Re the lack of oil for 15 seconds, I was told by a master technician (motorcycles) that it is best to run the engine with some (sensible) revs to warm and circulate oil quicker as the longer it takes to circulate around the more wear is occuring.

I guess its finding a happy medium of not revving the nuts off it but circulating the oil as quickly as possible.

:lol:lol can't afford to use the heavy right foot these days:lol:lol
Been a habit I have had for years warming up for a few mins since I killed my Renault espace top end by just starting up and driving away.