Patrol rolling resto

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Dec 2, 2010
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Well I may as well get the ball rolling :D:lol.
Well you all know my Patrol (ithink). I bought the old girl from my father inlaw September 2010 as a runner but no t&t. Anyway I got her through an mot and on the road after a few weeks.
When taking on the Patrol the idea was for it to be a rolling restoration doing jobs as needed but when funds allow.
During my ownership ive had a few issues with her but nothing to major, ive had to replace rear shocks with new and fitted a second hand one on front when original snapped:doh. The main issue is keeping on top of the dreaded tinworm:( which is partly why shes off the road at the moment:(
Ill post some progress pics after ive had a sort through them
Oh I will deffo get the underside protected after she's been welded Alex:).
All four springs are original and last mot I was told that they are far to rusty and to be fair they do sag when I hook up the tintent so I ordered some new rear springs last night. I couldn't afford to order front aswell but at least it's a start.

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Just looked at your album - she's a very good looking truck.

Out of interest, where are the common places for rust on these models?
Common rust areas on these old girls are as follows:-
all four wheel arches
rear inner arches
sills, inner and out
rear of chassis (from about end of sills back)
for some reason the roof above back doors

Oh and in my case rear floor pan

That's all I can think of off the top of my head so feel free to add any more guys
Oh and thanks xr6r for the kind comment. She is a looker.
Im on a mission to get her sorted by May as the daughter has made it quite clear that she wants to arrive at her prom in the Patrol as she thinks its better than a hired limo:D
Here is one of the new rear springs ready to be fitted when snow fooooks. Off :)

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Fitted one spring today as had to borrow some spring compressor clamps so didn't start until mid afternoon. So other will be tomorrow. My 10 and a half stone compresse the old one about an inch so deffo pooped. It took me and my son to wind the spring clamps down enough to fit new spring.

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Both rear springs are fitted now but think rear brakes need overhaul aswell as total rust treatment of underside.

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Both rear springs are fitted now but think rear brakes need overhaul aswell as total rust treatment of underside.
She looks like a 1970's drag car now until new front springs are fitted lol.

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I hope too as ive got a second hand welder (migmate 105). I have not welded for quite a few years so some practice will deffo be needed, but if I do have any problems my next door neighbour will help me out as he's a good welder and has all the tools I would need.:naughty
I have some front spring insulater's coming in the post from Pedders as the originals are pooped. The rear ones were like new so I re used them:D
Fitting front springs today. Turned into a pig of a job. And one of the bump stops decided to part company from it's mounting. What would he best to bond it back on with?

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Ive got something similar from wickes and ive ratchet strapped it over night. If that don't work then think it will be tigerseal