My baby needs help

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New member
Nov 14, 2013
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Hi guys I'm new and I just joined up because my precious baby needs your help. She's a 2002 Patrol GR and the other day I found that there is oil running down the inside of the front passenger side wheel and it looks like it is coming from what I think is called the swivel hub. I'm struggling to know where to take the car to get looked at because I don't know any local specialists in my area. Can you help? Do any of you know anybody in the central Scotland/Glasgow area who could look at this and who wouldn't charge me the earth? This is my caravan tow car so would really like to get her back to full health
Welcome aboard, don't worry someone will be along soon I'm sure. We have several members up that way. Also got members on here with Trol experience too.
Welcome bud, from another Troll owner :thumbs

I'll have a look at my workshop manual in the morning and see what it says (it's in the truck at the moment).
Thanks for the replies guys but I won't be trying the DIY fix because I am of the female persuasion and I don't have a socket set!
Thanks for the replies guys but I won't be trying the DIY fix because I am of the female persuasion and I don't have a socket set!

Good lord a woman Troll owner :thumb2 I think I've died and gone to heaven :p
Pics? :sly:sly

Has it developed the shudder yet? When it goes dry it will start to wobble at about 60mph
Hi Banshee do you mean of me or my trol or both?

is the shudder like a steering wheel vibration at 60ish?