Glow plugs, sorry another newby question

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Active member
Jan 31, 2013
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Apologies first, I have used the search tab but cannot find a answer to my question.
The cost of glow plugs is so varied I do not know whcih to buy, any suggestions please :D

The reason I am asking is the truck took 5 trys to start tonight after been stood for a couple of days, I have ordered oil and filters today so I can give it a birthday and also a rocker cover gasket so I can do the valve clearances and as it is struggling to start I thought I would throw in a set of plugs.
I read on here about leaving it for 60 seconds after the light had gone out, I have just been out and turned the key then waited until I heard the solinoid click under the bonnet, turned the key to start and it fired up on the button. My turn to drive in the morning so will try this at 5.30.
Can't help on the type of glow plugs, but I would definitely have a look at what you have first, as when I checked mine, one was snapped off level with the head, and there is no "Easy" way to extract it. The other 3 were pretty new looking, and metered out OK, but on some cold damp days, I do have to give the glow lamp a second go to get her to start.

Also do a double check on the valve clearances, as Rick discovered that the ones on my TDI were different to the ones normally quoted... I think it was because I have ally rockers, and the ones quoted are for steel ones.
Can't help on the type of glow plugs, but I would definitely have a look at what you have first, as when I checked mine, one was snapped off level with the head, and there is no "Easy" way to extract it. The other 3 were pretty new looking, and metered out OK, but on some cold damp days, I do have to give the glow lamp a second go to get her to start.

Also do a double check on the valve clearances, as Rick discovered that the ones on my TDI were different to the ones normally quoted... I think it was because I have ally rockers, and the ones quoted are for steel ones.

TD and Tdi have different types of glow plugs, Td ones are much cheaper, Milners sell them, but the manufacturer varies, NGK are better in my opinion.
Thanks again guys, mines a TDi, I will be checking everything on Friday which is my first day off shift, it does seem to run a bit lumpy untill warm so a service is well over due, one of the first jobs is to get rid of the dog hairs and tab ends :eek: after the service of course :thumb2
Guys, the truck started this morning after a few seconds, quite a bit of white smoke though, then 10 miles from home it just cut out, check engine light came on, stopped at side of the road and it would not restart, tried 6 or 7 times then it fired up and got me the rest of the 15 miles to work, any ideas? Havnt had chance to look as am at work unitll 6.30.
Could be many things

If check/mil light came on then a fault will be stored, get fault codes read at dealer, they will want £30

Take glow plugs out and test them with a set of jump leads, you will want a set of 4 tho tbh mate as if 2 have gone the other 2 will go shortly after
Could be many things

If check/mil light came on then a fault will be stored, get fault codes read at dealer, they will want £30

Take glow plugs out and test them with a set of jump leads, you will want a set of 4 tho tbh mate as if 2 have gone the other 2 will go shortly after

Can't you do this with the paperclip workshop manual in the download area??
I did mine when my car overheated!!!!!!
If it gets me home tonight I will be giving it a full service and look over tomorrow, I went out at lunch time and had a quick look under the bonnet, the alternator belt and power steering belt where very slack, have adjusted them and sprayed everything I could see in WD40, it fired up ok on the button and the fuel filter plunger was hard so hopefully no air leaks there.

A mate of mine has got a code reader that plugs into obd sockets so I will see if there are any codes, just a thought, wouldnt the check lights come on anyway if the engine had cut out like the oil light etc???

Its a 1998 R reg TDi.
Check your mini filter... If its struggling to start and cutting out could be lack of fuel and banjo filter is the first place to look if you have one! :)
Thanks Smilson, another yellow belly :thumb2

I will be checking everything tomorrow, now just where is the mini filter? didnt know they had one.
God I love these forums :clap

I am hoping its something like a lose wire on the stop solenoid (if they have one) or something similar.
There is a guide on the forum under the quick links and workshop manuals, I couldn't find mine through that though. I followed the fuel lines from the main filter until I found where they went into the engine. There is a 17mm bolt that the fuel line goes through. The bolt comes out and give it a good clean. Also be careful of the spring washers as I lost one of mine when doing it :)
white smoke often mean air getting into the fuel line, often when you have changed the fuel filter, but check fuel lines from the tank as they do perforate and let air is as the fuel is "sucked" from the tank as there is no pump in the tank.
Thanks again everyone for the help and advice:bow , I will update as I go along.
Made the 25 mile journey home without a hitch, started on the button as well.:clap
I got the service done yesterday, shame milners didnt send me the correct sump plug washer I reused the old one but its ok :thumb2

Weather stopped play as my fingers started hurting with the cold.