Time to fight!

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Planning a head for the protest on the 25th, we have a few concerns on how it’s been organised.
As we all know the venue has been moved to give access to a larger car park, this in its self will have an impact on the amount of vehicles attending as they won’t be in the way and again the protest will go unheard.
We have a suggestion on this, we arrive in Bakewell early and fill as many of the smaller car parks as we can, this will then force the locals into the larger ones (This will upset them to start with) We then highlight the amount of vehicles that are being denied access to the “Green Lanes” in their areas and we hand out flyers informing people of what is going on. (We have the flyers sorted i think).
We can then walk to the main car park, hopefully others will be in there and we can join the protest there as well, this way we not only block car parks we show more numbers as we will in fact be in 2 placers at the same time.
Secondly, has anyone looked at the board of governors for the Peak district park, these are the people that are trying to close the lanes. I was surprised to see Richards name on there as he is a GLASS rep trying to keep them open or so it’s told. Richard and Chris are the 2 Glass reps for Derbyshire. How do you sit on the board to close them and also fight to keep them open? If anyone can shed light on this I’m happy to listen.
I’m please to say the website is almost finished, we have a few things to get on there before it goes live, your input is important to its success. It’s not about what we want as the site owners, it’s about what we all want as drivers of Green lanes.
Any questions about the site or what we are trying to do will now be answered on there as it will be a central hub for information, there is no point in posting it to every forum time after time.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Smith Sue
Sent: Monday, 14 January 2013, 16:43
Subject: Chapel Gate

Chapel Gate - Consultation under Regulation 4 of the National Park Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England) Regulations 2007

In my consultation letter dated 7 December 2012, I stated that the meeting of the Committee which would consider whether to proceed with a traffic regulation order was scheduled to take place on 25 January 2013.

Please note that this item is now scheduled for consideration at the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee on 22 March 2013, not 25 January 2013 as originally notified.

This rescheduling is to allow for a closer analysis of the comments we have received from the consultation, the need for further advice, and the on-going maintenance works by Derbyshire County Council.

If you would have any additional comments to make on this matter, please send them in writing or by e-mail to [email protected] or to Sue Smith at the Authority’s offices by Friday 1 February 2013.


Sue Smith

Rights of Way Officer

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Smith Sue
Sent: Monday, 14 January 2013, 16:43
Subject: Chapel Gate

Chapel Gate - Consultation under Regulation 4 of the National Park Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England) Regulations 2007

In my consultation letter dated 7 December 2012, I stated that the meeting of the Committee which would consider whether to proceed with a traffic regulation order was scheduled to take place on 25 January 2013.

Please note that this item is now scheduled for consideration at the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee on 22 March 2013, not 25 January 2013 as originally notified.

This rescheduling is to allow for a closer analysis of the comments we have received from the consultation, the need for further advice, and the on-going maintenance works by Derbyshire County Council.

If you would have any additional comments to make on this matter, please send them in writing or by e-mail to [email protected] or to Sue Smith at the Authority’s offices by Friday 1 February 2013.


Sue Smith

Rights of Way Officer

how will this effect the plannned protest for the 25th of january?
nope i've contacted kamsin and some other people but no one seems to know what happening, some are saying 25th is still a go but others are saying its not :nenau
hmmm, I'm not wasting hundreds of miles of go juice and a day off to sit in an empty car park :eek:
Any news Kashmir ?
Time's a passin' :nenau
ok, right an update for this lot. The planned protest/picket is STILL on but it is back at Aldern House.

I suggest we arrive early as the parking at Aldern House is very limited.

It seems (from what i am reading) that the park authority are swopping and changing dates in an attempt to put off any protests, . The fact that they have now moved the discussion about Chapelgate to the 22nd March is being seen as a victory.

So any days of work are now not wasted
So to clarify, are you saying it is on the 25th as per original plan, if so and the bar-stewards are trying to say it is now March this typifies the governmental system in this country, it stinks, so lets show the bar-stewards that we cannot be fooled, Rick