Any 'Sparks' out there - advice please

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2007
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I need advice of any electrical/security experienced members. It's not exactly a 4X4 specific issue but loosely related. I want to improve the security of a parking spot on my patch of land but unfortunately it's over 200 meters from any power supply. I'd like to have CCTV, visual/audio comms,(for friendly visitors) auto-sensor lighting and remote control of gates. My first question is what core size of cable will I need to ensure sufficient voltage over that distance to operate the gates? Secondly what type/make of products, individual or packages are there to make up such a system and at what rough costs. Any advice of specialists in the field or anyone who has installed such a system, will be much appreciated.
Rgds CL
I will watch this with interest mate as I am going to do the same thing myself after Christmas on some land i have recently taken over. I have come across some cameras that look very good, there are a few to chose from if you look on ebay or amazon at 'TENVIS'
I will watch this with interest mate as I am going to do the same thing myself after Christmas on some land i have recently taken over. I have come across some cameras that look very good, there are a few to chose from if you look on ebay or amazon at 'TENVIS'

I am planning a 12v system (with a solar panel) with manual gates and bolting down a safe to contain all the 12v stuff. But it would be easy to add a 12v solenoid/magnetic lock and let the visitors open the gates themselves.
I am planning a 12v system (with a solar panel) with manual gates and bolting down a safe to contain all the 12v stuff. But it would be easy to add a 12v solenoid/magnetic lock and let the visitors open the gates themselves.

Hi Plank
Thanks for spurring an alternative idea i.e. a remote solenoid locking system only. I don't really need communications all the time, I only need the system to be secure during hours of darkness when the remote parking area is most vulnerable. So I could forego the CCTV/comms option - for just closing and locking the gates when we turn in. But I'll still need to close and secure the system from over 200 meters away!
Maybe I'll just walk the dog down there each night and lock the damn thing manually!
Rgds CL
I am planning a 12v system (with a solar panel) with manual gates and bolting down a safe to contain all the 12v stuff. But it would be easy to add a 12v solenoid/magnetic lock and let the visitors open the gates themselves.

When you've done, get some pics up lol sounds interesting:thumbs
Do you know what the demand will be to operate the gates and the CCTV equipment.

I might be seeing our works electrician next week, so I will try to ask him. If you can wait.

I know that I have asked similar question of him before regarding CCTV, but not over 200 metres (that's a long way). I think I also suggested the 12v option as well, but I think he said that the physics still apply and the diameter of cable still has to be quite large.


200 mtrs 12volt forget it for anything more than a cctv camera,and even then you will be on the limits, your best bet is a 12 v battery and a small charger if you want to do gate locking reliably, so 1mm triple and earth @ mains voltage to a charger that is a little more than the total milliamp draw of your devices, and a 12 Amh sealed lead acid battery (as used in intruder alarms) a good quality coax for the camera video line and the yellow from the triple and earth to power a relay which will operate a relay to lock your gate, depends on the type of lock you go for but second press could also unlock the gate, but then you will need another pair of wires to operate a tell tale as other wise you would not know if the gate had been locked or unlocked, Rick
another 'low tech' idea. We hzve gates secured by squire 5 digit high security padlocks. They make it easy to include or exclude who gets in. Gaining entry can be as easy as a text message - and simply recode to exclude
My thanks to everyone for the helpful replies, particularly Solarman's, thanks.
Rick - re the 12 a/hr sealed lead acid battery, would a larger one be any better or just a waste of money?
I'll do more research re volt/amp demands of the proposed system and re-post.
PLANK I like the the simple combination lock and text option BUT we get no mobile signal here in the French backwoods!
Rgds CL
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ricks idea of batteries charged via solar panels is a very good idea ,

another option may be to run a mains wire , and use a step down transformer.
When I do this I intend to put the safe containing the battery and other stuff very close to the gate so ther is no voltage drop over distance.
but then you will need another pair of wires to operate a tell tale as other wise you would not know if the gate had been locked or unlocked, Rick

Adding to Rick's thread, regarding the tell tail, you could set up the CCT so that it can see a small control panel / lamps to show the status of the locking of the gates. Open, Closed, Fault etc

If you want the lamps to be invisible to visitors, use infra red LED's these will show as white lamps on CCTV.

Test it using a digital camera, phone or cct with your Infra red remote control for your TV.
It is also a good tip to test remote controls too. :thumb2 :thumb2

Best regards,
Hi guys and thanks for the helpful posts.

One example of a possibly suitable sliding gate system on ebay is item 190392595090 (sorry cut & paste the link didn't work)

The spec says it has a 240v 500 watt motor that draws 2.0 amps at full load. The voltage drop table suggested by Christof123, says that 2.5mm cable over 200 meters will drop 6.4 volts. Will that affect the motor operation? (it has a capacitor of 16 uf).

PLANK re your remote 12v installation - how do you intend to control access and from what distance?

Briggie thanks for your suggestions re step down transformer but if I'm running mains voltage I might as well use it to power the opener/locking system, if there's not too great a voltage drop, wouldn't you agree? The idea of batteries charged by solar power is sound but I still need to control access from over 200 meters distant. Therefore I suspect wired control is the only option but I'd be please to hear if there's an alternative.

Rgds CL
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Slighly 'lateral' here but as you have no mobile signal get a pair of those cheap walkie talkie things, use one to send tones to the gate:confused: fitted with remote mic & speaker you could have secure intercom