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Bee Elzebub

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
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...And to be honest, I damn' near broke down too! You wouldn't believe how stressful it's been in the past month or more... Won't go into that on here, tho'...

Anyway - had a shopping trip across town; first start-up, thought the battery seemed a bit sluggish, but it started ok. Trundling across town, it became evident that exhaust smoke was getting into cabin, getting blacker by the mile, but we carried on. Return trip, struggled more to turn engine over, thought "Uh-oh - dodgy battery...AGAIN!" (Every piggin' motor I've bought in past 6 yrs has turned out to have a crap battery...)
Got 7mls, engine shudders & cuts out, black smoke swirling through car & out from underside...and battery said "Yurrrrrrr...!", then gave up.

Nuts & bolts questions: Checked air filter - crudded up to hell, obviously not going to help at all. Found tail-pipe section detached from rear silencer (the rest of the system looks fairly recent & sound). Temperature gauge stayed low until only a mile or so from cut-out, then the black smoke seemed to develop just before the cut-out...but why did it cut out??

Assumption: The smoke got into the cabin from the fractured pipe by collecting under the floor humps, etc, then seeping through various holes when stopped, but was the blackness caused by strangulated airflow via the filter (hence rich mixture?), and/or some sort of result of the glo-plugs switching off as the engine reached full running temperature, with the exhaust flow upset by the fracture?

I'm guessing wildly here, as my only experience of diesel engines is via works van - and we only fill up the fuel, but don't touch 'em otherwise!:rolleyes:

Either way, my Maverick is sick, and so am I (from getting gassed, and impending wallet depletion, again) - if anyone can enlighten me about what these engines should do, stage-by-stage, from cold to warm-up so I can maybe get an understanding, I'd be immensely grateful!:thumbs

By-the-way - the alternator seems to be charging ok, as it puts out 13.7volts steady at tickover, 14.3+ with revs up a smidge - I'm sure it's a dud battery.
New zorst, battery, air filter, etc, on the credit card this week... :(

Daft as it sounds exhaust gases can come in through open windows espsecially if they are not being directed out the back.

I had a sluggish starter, took two years before it packed in though. They seem to be fine one minute and then act like the battery is dead the next.

Check your battery voltage with a multimeter with engine not running and then next morning after it's been stood all night.

Check your battery terminals too, look in Quick Links and see the downloads section. Whilst your at it in the downloads section see the section on reading fault codes.

When the engine cut out did the Management Light light up? Mine and clivvys both had issues with the CKP Sensor (crankshaft position sensor). It was fine until it warmed up and then used to start off by running crap with the management light on and then got so bad it cut out when warm.

By the way very rare for the temp gauge to move up as far as half way unless it's had an 88 degree thermostat fitted, the standard is 82 degrees and it made a huge difference with mine but I wouldn't like to tow on a hot day with an 88 fitted.

wow. what a bad start, i hope you didnt pay toomuch for this car?

anyways, FIRST job. did the MiL come on? this is very important with these cars, even though they can throw "rogue" codes, generally they are accurate.

Second, are we talking constant black smoke here?? cos at most you should get perhaps a puff on start up, maybe a puff under heavy load, thats pretty much the way it is with old diesels, and generally nothing to worry about. CONSTANT black smoke however is not good. Lots can cause this, but if you say your air filter is caked, then thats a MAJOR contributer to your black smoke PLUS if you have EGR like me, thats gonan be caked also so needs blanking off.

ok, why did it stall? PULL THEM CODES. IF you have injector troubles, then that may be the problem, perhaps the engine was simply starved of oxygen, so had nothing to burn, so cut out, broken exhaust wont be helping due to lack of pressure.

Im almost certain your MAF will need a clean, so thats one of your first jobs, and its an easy one (a poorly functioning MAF will cuase smoke issues, lack of power) remove and GENTLY clean with electrical contact cleaner or similar, leave to dry then re fit. Fit new air filter BUT make sure you clean the metal GAUGE on the MAF before refitting (this will be black with crud)

check your battery, these engine need a heck of a whack to start them. As for stalling issues, well, lots including the above can cause this, one ofmy favourites, is the CKP sensor, but generally you will get a code if this is playing up. the No1 injector is also a culprit, and again, a code will pop up for this (as it is a sensor built into the injector), a faulty in jector will give poor performance and timing, send incorrrect information to the ecu and result in the use of default settings which are "limp home" settings, i.e. crap performance/no power/stalling!

check your fuel filter. heck, if they have missed fitting a air filter, what must the fuel filter be like? get that changed if you are not sure, but buy a good quality one as cheap ones tend not to seal correctly, and let air in.

smoke in cab...ok, fold forward your rear seats, you will see a couple of drain plug holes, well, that should have rubber bungs in them, if not, get some, otherwise your going to get water IN, and it will rust.

right, thats enough, you got a good few things to check, first one, CODES, see downloads section, second -air filter and MAF, third, fuel filter. all these are very easy. after that, EGR, again see the downloads for this, you might not even have one, but mine does..!

best of luck!
I'm pleading ignorance of diesels, here - what & where is the MAF, please? And the EGR valve - I know what one is, but where exactly is it? Sorry, chaps...

I'll go to the downloads for the codes, and we'll see...

Thanks a milllion for your assistance & advice, guys - I knew it'd be worth logging-on to this forum!!!
One poorly motor, spend a little time reading this forum and you will be sure to have all the information you will need. By the sounds of it, a good service will not go amiss.
Your battery is the least of your problems.
I'm pleading ignorance of diesels, here - what & where is the MAF, please? And the EGR valve - I know what one is, but where exactly is it? Sorry, chaps...

I'll go to the downloads for the codes, and we'll see...

Thanks a milllion for your assistance & advice, guys - I knew it'd be worth logging-on to this forum!!!

ok buddy, do not fear!

MAF, Mass Air Flow sensor, if you look at your cynlinder air filter housing, and follow towards theengine, you will see a square thing with a brown plug attached (will probably say hitachi) and two screws holding it down, thats the maf. Take that out, and you will see two tiny wires, its those you need to clean CRAEFULLY unless its very shiny of course. A dirty MAF affects performance like you wouldnt believe.

The EGR IF you have one, is behind the engine. So, go to the drivers side, grab a torch first, and point the light under the back of the I/C, towards the rear of the head, you should see a round, brass thing with a pipe going into it facing you,(its NOT the one closest to you, its right at the back) thats the egr, follow the pipe, and you will confirm this as it atatched to a solenoid under the air filter. in fact, if you get stuck, let me know and ill take pics mate.
Much ta, Clivvy! It's my first diesel, so it's a scary step into the "unknown" for me - tho' I've stripped & rebuilt several different petrol engines, so the basic mechanicals & principles don't frighten me, just don't know all the flippin' sensors, oojemiflips & doohickeys that they fit to 'modern' engines!:rolleyes:

With your help on this forum, I know I'll get there - many thanks indeedy!!! :thumb2
Parts list:
New battery
New air filter
New fuel filter
New tailpipe...

...All at a price, naturally!
So far:
Battery £109
Air filter £15.02
Fuel filter £16.85
Tailpipe £62.28!!!!!...
...Quoted via local Unipart dealer - are these prices realistic, or too high?
If too high, can anyone recommend a good Motor Factors to try?

Many Thanks! :bow
Many thanks, guys! The link to Milners looks very useful - what a money-saver! I'll browse fleabay too...:thumbs
Many thanks, guys! The link to Milners looks very useful - what a money-saver! I'll browse fleabay too...:thumbs

And get your battery from Tayna....quick safe delivery and bloody good prices. I've used them several times and you'll get a LOT MORE BATTERY for your AHs and cranking amps (CCAs).
And get your battery from Tayma....quick safe delivery and bloody good prices. I've used them several times and you'll get a LOT MORE BATTERY for your AHs and cranking amps (CCAs).
Aren't they batteries for remote control cars :lol
My leeeesure battery IS still going strong :p
Cheers, chaps!

'Makeitfit' - thanks for that generous offer - a mate's come up trumps loaclly, though, with a new tailpipe for next-to-nowt, courtesy of a trade contact...

I'll take a look at 'Tayna' for the battery, though I'm reluctant to buy such items via the internet, in case they fail (cost of postage & getting the battery filled/drained sometimes outweigh the discount advantages). I've had a better discount offered now under the price I quoted earlier, so I'll probably go with that.

Milner's filter kits, though - what a bargain, eh??? Guess they'll get a phone call tomorrow!

Thanks again, folks...:bow:thumbs
Cheers, chaps!

'Makeitfit' - thanks for that generous offer - a mate's come up trumps loaclly, though, with a new tailpipe for next-to-nowt, courtesy of a trade contact...

I'll take a look at 'Tayna' for the battery, though I'm reluctant to buy such items via the internet, in case they fail (cost of postage & getting the battery filled/drained sometimes outweigh the discount advantages). I've had a better discount offered now under the price I quoted earlier, so I'll probably go with that.

Milner's filter kits, though - what a bargain, eh??? Guess they'll get a phone call tomorrow!

Thanks again, folks...:bow:thumbs
just becarful with the cheap filters as the fuel filter has been known to have sealing problems if ur keeping the car go for a k&n air filter u get better mpg and the engine revs better plus u wont havt to buy another 1 just wash it but will cost bout £35 for replacment or like many on here inc me go for induction kit set me back £56 inc del of ebay.:thumbs
Cheers, chaps!

'Makeitfit' - thanks for that generous offer - a mate's come up trumps loaclly, though, with a new tailpipe for next-to-nowt, courtesy of a trade contact...

I'll take a look at 'Tayna' for the battery, though I'm reluctant to buy such items via the internet, in case they fail (cost of postage & getting the battery filled/drained sometimes outweigh the discount advantages). I've had a better discount offered now under the price I quoted earlier, so I'll probably go with that.

Milner's filter kits, though - what a bargain, eh??? Guess they'll get a phone call tomorrow!

Thanks again, folks...:bow:thumbs

Not sure what you mean.....postage costs still work out way cheaper than buying a second-rate battery from somewhere else (I mean a very decent Varta battery works out the same price as some scabby Unipart shite when I checked this time) ....and what on earth would you be draining and filling in this day and age, I haven't bought a car battery in the last ten years that wasn't sealed for life?????

All the ones I've had from Tayna have been ready to roll - stick it in the car and fire her up and Roberts your fathers brother.:confused:
Not sure what you mean.....postage costs still work out way cheaper than buying a second-rate battery from somewhere else (I mean a very decent Varta battery works out the same price as some scabby Unipart shite when I checked this time) ....and what on earth would you be draining and filling in this day and age, I haven't bought a car battery in the last ten years that wasn't sealed for life?????

All the ones I've had from Tayna have been ready to roll - stick it in the car and fire her up and Roberts your fathers brother.:confused:

I'm confused by this reply - sorry. Because Robert is my mother's brother :nenau and he's married to my aunt Fanny :augie