My Terrano

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2011
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My 1st Terrano. Utterly kicks the butt of my last 2 Jeep Grand cherokee's!

Really nice drive and much nicer than you would expect of an ex Plod. All matching tyres, new spare (matching) and probably a better service history than a private car.

Keep it? Sell it? Not sure yet, I like it but could do with the cash :nenau
White? Ex Plod? Its great!!

Ive had 2 ex pc Volvo V70's and its so funny watching people reduce speed etc and the added bonus is that you really catch people's eye hence less likely to crash into you!
Very nice looking motor, has it still got the blue lights hidden behind the grill?

A few years back, I had a white sierra, and we had just picked up my son from a fancy dress party, he went as a policeman, and all the way up the M6, not one car overtook us, we were doing 70 mph, cars were screaming to pass us, then suddenly they braked hard and pulled in behind us. It's only when we got home I realised he had placed his helmet on the rear parcel shelf..:naughty

At one time I had a dark blue cavalier SRi, pre cat version, so it could shift, if I felt in a mood I would sit in the inside lane then boot it if a car was driving fast in the outside lane, catch him up and stay behind him....
I would never flash him but I bet that put the fear of god in him, as he slowed down to exactly 70 mph... Then I pulled off at the next junction.

Of course I only did this if he was going just over the 70mph limit, as I never exceeded 74.9 mph officer...
No lights behind the grill (unfortunatly). Whilst its great fun without trying driving ex plod, the fines for impersonating plod are HUGE!!

Not our fault if people have to think twice though :augie
have you noticed how white cars (and vans) don't seem to show the dirt, therefore they need less cleaning - weird?
If I sell it I want £2700 for it, 103,000 miles 12 month MOT and tax Aug.

What do you reckon?
If I sell it I want £2700 for it, 103,000 miles 12 month MOT and tax Aug.

What do you reckon?

with a FSH I'd be well into the 3's.........103k miles is just run-in on a diesel of that sort.....the taxis that have that engine (sans turbo) do 400-500k miles.
with a FSH I'd be well into the 3's.........103k miles is just run-in on a diesel of that sort.....the taxis that have that engine (sans turbo) do 400-500k miles.

Appreciated :thumb2

But it is ex pc and I hate haggling! Yes it is VERY clean and as far as I know, no faults, but I'd rather it went for a relative bargain than hang around and have tyre kickers mess about