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Life etc

.... had operation for bowel cancer - you start to evaluate stuff - value what's real and discard the trivial. I'm through it now - and plan to do something (not sure what yet) to raise awareness of bowel cancer and the need for everyone to get themselves screened. Early detection = 90% chance of a decent life expectancy - late detection = early death.

Get yourselves checked out you guys around 60 years old. Do it now. Please.

Pleased to hear you are on the mend.

I had Hogkinsons Lyphoma in 1987 & 1990 so went through the established routine of Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatment all that is now history and in remission.

Had some heart problems that started in 2006 sorted with stenting, then more stenting in 2007 & 2008. Never smoked, not obese, moderate drinker, no family history of heart disease put it down to side effects of the old fashioned Chemotherapy I had (Vincristin).

Last year had my first heart attack but have been lucky with no residual problems and have now started 2011 with a pretty healthy start to the year.

I was selected for redundancy about two years ago and managed to avoid being being finished as I appealed the selection process and won my case. Down side was my driving job changed from Sales to Service and I pretty much hate it most of the time. I could finish work as I have an occupational pension but I would have to cut my lifestyle quite substantially. In better economic times I would just look for another job but there is very little out there at present.

I am thinking of asking for a reduction of my working week but that would be a one way street and my wifes job is at risk so that might be something I would regret.

I am 63 in 7 weeks time and I have not bothered with the bowel cancer test kits that they send out as these tests do not differentiate between blood from a hemorroid and something more serious and I do not fancy a camera up by bum just on the off chance. I am sure you would say I am mad not to do the test and ignorance is not bliss it might be fatal.
Given the serious shit some people are surviving, it's almost embarrassing...

Financials continue to decline.
Mortgage company moving for repossession.
House on market.
Still no job.
Mother confirmed with dementia.

Thus with no job I cannot afford a place to rent to get out of house when it's sold to alleviate some of my debt, and that's only if my secured loan holder agrees not to block the sale due to lack of equity for them after mortgage paid. Downgraded jobsearch as no mortgage means no need for big job... Still nothing.
As attorney for my mother, bankruptcy or similar is not an option. Running out of things to sell on Ebay to stay solvent.

In the end, no-one is dying, and it will only be deeply unpleasant for me briefly while my pride, possessions and pets get redistributed. But it is cold comfort.

Sorry to read about your woes and there's me moaning about hating my job at the moment.

Must be really stressful for you but like others have said you just have to work through it and come out the other side.
Colonoscopy ain't as bad as it sounds, had the drugs for my first one, couple of years later had another no drugs that time, interesting seeing the picture on the screen, the only discomfort was the scope not wanting to turn corners.

I was in hospital about a year ago, I have gall stones & they trigger off gastritis, bloody painful, anyway got talking to a guy who had avoided seeing doctor because he was embarrassed about bleeding from the bum, two years later his wife found out, dragged him to A&E, too late he was terminal by then, said he wished he had gone straight away, too late for him but not for the rest of us.

First signs get it checked, do the kit, get it checked & live

Also get your quack to get your bloods done every year, insist on PSA, that is the prostrate check, results vary a bit person to person but as long as it does not go up all is well
Blood pressure too no warning if it is high, Silent killer the doc tells me.

Its cheaper to check it than fix it, bit like a maverick
Hi Gents, yesterday I had to dig up the rear patio to clear a blocked sewer,( bear with me)

twenty one years ago I dug up the sewer for the same problem, the next day i went into hospital for major surgery and had my rectum and part of my colon removed, for six years before I had polyps removed from time to time after finding blood in my stools, this coincided with me getting made redundant.

The number of people of different races and sexes and age who have poked a variety of

tools, equipment, cameras and digits up my my anus over the years had faded with time

but were remembered yesterday as I attended to the blocked sewer once again!

Well out of the darkness came light, I RECOVERED, I AM STILL HERE! and I am grateful for every day..

I became self employed for eight hard years and was the offered a job as a office equipment engineer which I enjoyed until retiring eleven years ago.

I was able to put both my sons through university, and my wife and I have enjoyed our retirement travelling all over Europe and the world.

Reading the thread as brought back memories, so just remember some times what seems to be the end of your world is just ANOTHER BEGINNING.

Regards bri
Hi Gents, yesterday I had to dig up the rear patio to clear a blocked sewer,( bear with me)

twenty one years ago I dug up the sewer for the same problem, the next day i went into hospital for major surgery and had my rectum and part of my colon removed, for six years before I had polyps removed from time to time after finding blood in my stools, this coincided with me getting made redundant.

The number of people of different races and sexes and age who have poked a variety of

tools, equipment, cameras and digits up my my anus over the years had faded with time

but were remembered yesterday as I attended to the blocked sewer once again!

Well out of the darkness came light, I RECOVERED, I AM STILL HERE! and I am grateful for every day..

I became self employed for eight hard years and was the offered a job as a office equipment engineer which I enjoyed until retiring eleven years ago.

I was able to put both my sons through university, and my wife and I have enjoyed our retirement travelling all over Europe and the world.

Reading the thread as brought back memories, so just remember some times what seems to be the end of your world is just ANOTHER BEGINNING.

Regards bri

Hi Gents, yesterday I had to dig up the rear patio to clear a blocked sewer,( bear with me)

twenty one years ago I dug up the sewer for the same problem, the next day i went into hospital for major surgery and had my rectum and part of my colon removed, for six years before I had polyps removed from time to time after finding blood in my stools, this coincided with me getting made redundant.

The number of people of different races and sexes and age who have poked a variety of

tools, equipment, cameras and digits up my my anus over the years had faded with time

but were remembered yesterday as I attended to the blocked sewer once again!

Well out of the darkness came light, I RECOVERED, I AM STILL HERE! and I am grateful for every day..

I became self employed for eight hard years and was the offered a job as a office equipment engineer which I enjoyed until retiring eleven years ago.

I was able to put both my sons through university, and my wife and I have enjoyed our retirement travelling all over Europe and the world.

Reading the thread as brought back memories, so just remember some times what seems to be the end of your world is just ANOTHER BEGINNING.

Regards bri

aint that the truth. so very true about my life too :bow:bow:bow:bow