Another sovereign state attack/invasion

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well obviously i have given this little research or interest on the news, as id assumed we was being blindly lead into another expensive war we should have no involvement in or can afford .

but assuming i have missed some vital facts,

we have already established genocide alone is not reason for intervention as we dont whenever genocide happens elsewhere.

we cant use the fact that we dont like gadaffi ( he's a loon ) because its illegal and breaks every rule of the united nations for another country to overthrow a countries government .

so what reason do we have to be there ?

educate me !

and no im not arguing. me and dave i think are mates, but id like to know why and if we have a valid reason to go to libya
british forces should only be used when the security of our country is at risk .... trouble is that is a bit of a wildcard and can be interpreted in many different ways

id like to think the free british people of our lands will want proof this time if there was a threat. and not to fall for the lies that blair fed us , and later admitted were lies .
I support our service men and women all the way but I really don't support our govenrment. We can ill afford to run the country or so the government would have us think. So how on earth can we afford this action which will cost god knows how much and go on for god knows how long. If daffy duck is thrown out who or what will replace him? another power vacuum? Will there be more hatred towards the western infidels?
I'm sure this action would be a whole lot easier from deck of a carrier a lot like Ark.
If we are the worlds police force then why are we not sorting out Zimbabwe.

I strongly think our government is getting us into more trouble with money and the rest of the world.

However what is worse than this!!! my wife ran off with my Terrano today for the whole day:nenau gonna have to hide the keys:naughty

can we claim that we are looking after oil interests BECAUSE western companies
have got their installaitions there. clearly there will be our civilians there employeed
at said places.

also is libya a real country, contradicting my statement but wonder like iraq
which i understand is a line on a map and as such moved too.

not a historian, but north africian campaign ww2 was that future oil field ownership
driven. has it just been easier for last few decades to allow local rule of these
places to by pass proven issues of mixing races and religions in power.

tbf all these places are run around islamic governments which seem to suit their
dictatorships. these are pure political questions not aiming to dredge up any
racial or religious arguments.
I believe Libya was actually three countries mashed together by the Italians when they occupied it...and it seems the Arabs hate Gaddafi as much as we do.

The real reason for this activity is unclear since the numbers of civilian casualties caused by the insurrection was actually very small....could be oil (since most of Libya's comes to Europe) or could just be an excuse for payback time for Gaddafi...either way, it will leave a big mess behind it, including possible civil war between two sides that were forcefully united under colonial powers.